(“not for sale”) Gets Sold (Updated)

I tried to buy a couple of times over the years. In mid-2019, I offered $45,000 to buy the domain name and was told was not for sale regardless of how much I offered, and I was asked to not contact the registrant again. In fact, there was a message on the website for quite a while to let people know the domain name is not for sale: is not for sale
We get inquiries about this every couple of weeks. The domain is not for sale at any remotely sane price.

We know that appears “underutilized” or “underdeveloped” to people who think of domains primarily as promotional devices for public Web sites. We don’t think that way, we have other uses for the domain, we are happy with those uses, and we don’t want to sell.

Yes, if offered enough money, we would probably bend on this. However, nobody is going to offer us that much money, because it’s far, far more than the market value of the domain, and far, far more than any buyer would ever recover from any business use of the domain. At present, the minimum it would take to get us to part with the domain is $250,000.00 US. If that price goes down, we’ll post it here, but don’t hold your breath.

So, unless you’re a rich lunatic who wants to throw away money, please don’t bug us about it.

This morning, my DomainTools Domain Monitor tool email alert listed as pending transfer. I visited, and the landing page indicates that the domain name has been sold.

It is not yet known who acquired (or why), but it was likely an expensive acquisition.


Andy Booth informed me he was the buyer of In looking at a more recent cached version of the website, the owner set a price of $350,000. Andy confirmed that this was how much he paid to buy I added the sale to the list of recent one word .com domain name sales, and I anticipate it will be added to DNJournal and NameBio.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Great domain, rare level of true commercial and other quality, and extremely valuable. Minimum 7 figure domain. Great example of when “short” and “one word” really is super valuable.

  2. I don’t get today’s resellers. Lots of great names are owned by other domain investors that can be bought for attractive prices by they insist to buy from end users for retail or near retail. It’s the same phenomena we see in auctions. bidders prefer expired domains over aftermarket.

    From a re-seller’s POV, unless you have a committed buyer, it’s risky and well overpriced. There of less risky investments out there.

    Good luck.

    • What “great names” are these? I think usually when people make these statements they don’t know the difference between a good and a bad name.

      Expired names are typically far more valuable than domainer owned because the domains domainers are typically wholesaling are names with little enduser demand.

  3. The “love of money” leads people to commit all kinds of evil 24/7/365.

    Having no money leads people to commit all kinds of dangerous evils…..

    If you have lots of money and still love money, then you won’t commit crimes but find ways to make more money but
    if you have no money at all, you do sh**&^ to get money and since you have nothing to lose you do really sh&^%* to get money at all cost…

    • “If you have lots of money and still love money, then you won’t commit crimes but find ways to make more money”

      You may want to rethink that part. There are enough billionaires out there that constantly try to bend the rules, hide money form taxation, do/invest in shady business deals etc. It’s called greed!

    • Yes, BullS, you are way off in some respects there. However, unfortunately poverty can and does lead to evil too. Take what is happening in the US now, for instance. The rich elite “ruling class” puppet masters and “powers that be” in government have imposed a nuclear explosion of exacerbated poverty on the country since pre-covid, and now most people in the country are paying the price with the crime part – except those same members of the “ruling class” and “ptb” who get to remain insulated and shielded from what they have done, as usual.

      And of course that’s just one aspect of the matter.

  4. Hello Elliot,

    We are not sure who wrote the not for sale piece above, but in his infinite wisdom on (.com EPA’) values, his observations are typical of the Web Master Mentality when it comes to Strategic Online Marketing. Probably their Web Master, this makes sense, Web Masters are clueless about the power of the ( .comEPA ) Marketing Machine.
    JAS 7/21/2021

    (Contact Group) METAL. TIGER

  5. Such a luxurious, six-letter, dictionary word, .Com brand for the price of a 900 square foot condo in Tarzana seems like quite a good deal. Might convert to a half acre in Beverly Hills one day. Congrats to Andy!


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