Just about every afternoon, I receive an email from DropCatch.com with the subject, “Daily Auction Results.” The email lists the domain names I bid on but lost in auctions that ended that day. This email isn’t very useful, particularly because the sale price is not disclosed, but I do find myself occasionally saying, “shit, that auction ended today?”
Instead of sending an email with auction results, DropCatch customers might be better served by receiving an Active Auction email. This email would be helpful if it included the domain names customers are bidding on along with the current auction price and auction end date.
This type of email would be helpful because it would serve as a reminder for me to bid on domain names in auction I might have forgotten about. Oftentimes with DropCatch.com, I find myself placing a bid on an auction and not following through with subsequent bids unless I really want the name.
If customers find the Auction Results email to be helpful, DropCatch could add the auction results to the Active Auction email I propose they implement. They could call it something else – Daily Auction Status would be suitable.
An Active Auction email should be easy to implement and would likely drive revenue right away. This seems like a no-brainer to me, especially in the wake of missing out on an auction that I was following over the weekend and totally forgot about during our travels.
Elliot, in case you or your readers aren’t aware, anyone can view their DropCatch buying activity which shows who won the domain and what the auction closed at by going to the link below (or login, click “Buying”, and “See My history”). Though, it would be great if we could get this information in the email so that we don’t have to go back and view it ourselves. That way the email could serve some purpose as you mentioned.
I am aware (thanks) but getting this info sent to me via email would be helpful.