Undeveloped Gives Auction Update

Undeveloped is running a domain name auction in conjunction with the Domaining Europe conference. The auction will feature 150 domain names, and it will be run on Undeveloped’s auction platform. The auction is set to kick off on May 24th and will run until June 14th.

According to Reza Sardeha, founder of Undeveloped, some of the high value domain names included in this auction include Estate.com, Bra.com, 43.com, 866.com Textile.com, and Hotel.nl. Reza also let me know about a unique aspect of the auction regarding payments:

“Next to that we’re introducing interest free financing to buyers in this auction to get as many as names as possible sold to end-users. Affordability is a big barrier in auctions. We hope this lowers the barrier and opens up the market for a broader audience.”

If interested, you should contact Undeveloped to get the full details about the offer.

Bidders who are interested in participating will need to complete a three step verification process with Undeveloped before their account is activated. Once the account is activated, bidders are allowed to place bids in the auction.

This morning, the company shared an update with me that I posted below:

As you probably already know we have quite an exciting auction coming up. We just recently launched the official auction page and announced the extension of the auction by two weeks due to the overwhelming number of quality submissions.

Something that will catch your eye when you visit our new auction page is the look and feel of the page. We’ve spent months on digging to the core and essence of Undeveloped to formalize our new direction. What Undeveloped strives to do is to bring domains to life. That’s what Undeveloped is all about. By connecting your unused domains to end-users, undeveloped domains come to life.

Next to that we’re also, for the first time, introducing interest free financing to domain auctions. As affordability is a big blocker for end-users to be able to pay the right price for the right name, we believe we can get more of your domains sold. Not by lowering your prices but by making your domains more affordable.

You can still submit your five best domains.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


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