There are two new features I really like about The first is that I can now filter the blogs and domain news sources I want to read from those that I don’t. There seems to be data overload in the domain space, and it’s annoying when I miss a good article from someone I respect because it got pushed down by articles I avoid.
The second feature I like and could probably create on my own (but don’t) is the Twitter feed with “domain” as the keyword. Any time someone posts a Twitter update and it contains the word “domain,” it is featured on
There have been a few times where people ask simple domain related questions that can be answered by an industry pro. This can open new doors and lead to new introductions. There have also been plenty of times where people are critical of domain owners, calling them squatters and other uninformed comments. This creates a good opportunity to educate.
As far as Twitter goes, I am just a rookie but am quickly learning about the power it has. People across every walk of life use Twitter, and it gives unparalleled access into places you might never have imagined going.
In fact it’s very fresh to read how the masses are talking about domains, and domainers.
After months or years domaining most we forgot the reality, we are in an artificial world…
This is why we see some people asking millions dollars for low quality names, others trying selling dozen thousands dollars vertical names they registered just few weeks ago, …
We think that names are all when for most it’s just the begining of any online venture, not a source of profit but simply a need, an expense.
Definitively, it’s a very good addon offered to their members.
Others usefull and/or exciting features should come this week, stay tuned.
Thanks for your post Elliot.