“Trust, But Verify”

As an addendum to my article this morning related to thinking before commenting on my blog and elsewhere, I also believe the saying “trust, but verify” is important to consider when reading this blog, others blogs, domain forum or any domain investing website for that matter. According to Wikipedia, this phrase was originally a Russian proverb.

Despite the fact that I am a domain investor on a full time basis, and I make my living from my domain investments, you should always do your own due diligence if I make a recommendation or share advice. What works for me, may not work for you. What I share about my business may not be applicable to yours or may not work for your investment strategy.

The companies or services I write about may be providing me with special care because I give them considerable business or perhaps because I have a blog. Whatever the case is, my experiences will most likely be different than the experiences of others. The same applies for other blogs or websites, especially those that gain from your taking actions based on referrals or recommendations.

Trust, but verify means that you should investigate what I say with your own business in mind, and you need to do your own due diligence to be sure that my advice is accurate and right for you. The same goes for domain forums and other domain blogs.

People who do business in the domain investing space come from different backgrounds and operate different types of businesses. While I like to think that the majority of people and companies with whom I do business are honest, there are always going to be bad apples in the group. My experiences with companies will most likely be different than your experience.

There are many great sources of information about domain investing. Even the best intentioned people may share information that needs to be verified by you. I do my best to share as much as I can without detriment to my business. Even though I have good intentions when I write articles, you should always verify advice I share before taking action, and the same applies for other venues as well.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. lol….Oh boy, I am already going to disagree with the origin of this term. This phrase is only in the Wikipedia page because of the United States 40th President, Ronald Reagan. He used and popularized the “trust, but verify” term as you describe. If it wasn’t for Ronald Reagan the term would not even be in Wikipedia….But let’s get back to Reagan because I believe he has importance with our past and future domaining subjects. Reagan won 49 states at his midterm. He only lost one state to his opponent. He was able to UNITE better than anyone else in history. I have the most respect for Ronald Reagan and believe what is on his tomb, “I know in my heart that man is good. That what is right will always eventually triumph. And there’s purpose and worth to each and every life.”…….I visit his tomb frequently…….Sorry to change the subject but again I believe their is some relevance for the domain industry….

    • Boy, it is Russian proverb over 1000 years old. You should do more travel and learn more about other cultures. World is not just United Spies of America…

    • I’m a big Raagan fan myself, Because I live less than 2 hrs away, we visit the Library at least 3-4 times a year for book signings, dining & dance events and what not. last one was a face to face with Charles Krauthammer who I admire greatly.. At any rate, Elliot is correct that the term is a Russian proverb, I recall reading it somewhere at the Library that is was a writer in Russia, (don’t remember her name) but Reagan picked up the proverb from her during his first term.

      Nice to see a fellow conservative here 🙂

      @ Elliot

      “do your own due diligence to be sure that my advice is accurate and right for you”

      Totally 100% agree.. I myself take bits and pieces of information I think are either useful and accurate as you say and form my own opinion, then decide whether or not to act on it.. Never do I take anything somebody says or writes at face value, I’d be in deep doo doo if I did, which brings me back to the good ole days of dot mobi and those genius’s who got it so wrong.

  2. Raider
    Thank you. I stand corrected, it is originally Russian…..I had to verify…lol…………To always preserve Ronnie’s history I secured RonaldReagan.org…..It is a long term project of mine that has some interest from well known dignitaries. I will keep you posted.

    • Very nice reg Aaron, nice to see it’s in good hands… If your ever in Cali, do visit the Library, takes pretty much the whole day to really go through it.

  3. I need a suggestion for buying a domain name for my new venture. We are self funded so don’t have much budget but will be great to talk to to somebody who is knowledgeable in this area so that we can get a domain name which can reduce advertising cost, if possible. If anybody knows who can give us suggestions, that will be great. sorry for posting comment not related to current article. btw, I am also relatively new domainer 🙂



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