Token Media Moves Off to Sell Domain Name

In October, I saw that a Minnesota company called Token Media owned the great domain name. I also noticed the company owned as well. With that in mind, I made an offer to buy, suggesting that the company could sell the domain name and shift its website to

A few weeks later, I received a response to my email from Ali Zandi, the founder of a domain brokerage called Starfire Holdings. Ali let me know that he is the exclusive broker for the domain name and that my offer is lower than the company would consider to sell the domain name. I was interested in buying the domain name speculatively, so it wouldn’t have made sense for me to pursue the domain name at a greater level.

I had a look at today, and it looks like the company has moved its website to In its place, there is a “for sale” landing page with a contact form to connect people with Ali Zandi and his brokerage.

With the cryptocurrency market seemingly on fire and continuing to get hotter, the domain name is quite valuable. I don’t have any idea what the domain owner is asking for the domain name, but cryptocurrency, coin, and token related domain names are selling well these days (to say the least). is obviously quite valuable, and I will keep my eyes on it to see if Ali is able to sell the domain name for the media company.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Thanks for this. is probably more valuable than people think, because “ICO” / “Initial Coin Offering” is being replaced by “token event” or “token generating event.”

    This is largely driven by lawyers advising startups to avoid the “Initial Coin Offering” phrase, which implies ‘securities.’

    And needless to say, the entire cryptocurrency/blockchain space is no passing fad. For any naysayers, just spend a week following or if you want to see the non-stop activities in this space from huge companies, exchanges, funds, and governments.

    • You’ll get no naysaying here – this is a spectacular .com worth a minimum of 7 figures now. 8 would not be at all off-base either. If you folks let yourself be lowballed I will be very unhappy with you. And you’ll hear about it, unless you admit that’s what happened.

  2. Great find Elliot! is a stellar name and has risen in value tremendously this year! 100% agree with everything that Gene wrote and Asset.Domains may be correct in a 7 figure name (if not now perhaps in the next year or so).



  3. This is what is needed to do justice for a domain like this, and what the industry needs:

    Finally, at long last, Sotheby’s steps into the world of domain names and other intangibles (if they haven’t done that yet in any form). They are already half way there. Sorry to say, but don’t even go near Heritage.

    The opening bid is set to, let’s say $2 million. As far as reserve goes, requires further study.

  4. Seemingly Blowing against the wind here but Token com IMO is just a gesture albeit a good brand in its own rights but the only winner will be the system not the token probably ETH


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