Sunday Domain Thoughts and Updates

Since moving out of New York City, I come back to visit a few times a year. It’s always fun visiting the City, but I sometimes miss living here. There are so many more food options, always things to do, and there’s a buzz that I don’t find elsewhere. There’s something to be said about living in the suburbs though.

Here are some thoughts and updates. I invite you to share your own thoughts, updates, and comments if you have any.

A domain focused forum was launched last week at Digital.Link. I think it’s good to have different industry discussion options. It’s actually at least the second domain name forum operating on a .Link domain name, with gTLD.Link being the other one I know about.

If you’re in Boston on Tuesday, a small group of us are meeting up for the Jimmy Fund Scooper Bowl at 1pm. I am not sure how many people will be there or what the scene will be like, but I am hoping it will be a good chance to meet up with some friends and colleagues at a fun event that benefits Dana-Farber Cancer Institute!

One of the most difficult challenges of my business is regularly adding to my domain name portfolio (which can cost significant amounts of $$) while driving revenue from domain sales, but at the same time, not underselling domain names.

Always keep aftermarket listings accurate. One of the big reasons I don’t list many domain names at various marketplaces is because it can become a burden to keep my listings accurate. I have this fear that someone will buy a name I have listed that I previously sold or let expire, and it will become an issue for me. It would be great if these platforms regularly checked listings to make sure the names are owned by entity that listed them for sale and send an update if Whois ownership changes. This might be too cumbersome though.

I think it was impressive that Uniregistry could handle so many registrations in such a short amount of time (press release).

It will be interesting to hear it anyone makes profitable sales from their penny domain registrations. I suspect a big winner will be the UDRP forums.

I just watched my friend make a cup of coffee using a contraption called a Coffee Siphon. Very cool if you’re into coffee although my cup was gritty. I like using the Chemex coffee maker, but it was neat to watch the Coffee Siphon.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn
  1. Hello Elliot,

    I spent 2 months early in my E.F. Hutton career in New York, New York, and have to admit your comment about missing its atmosphere is totally understandable.The city that never sleeps can be totally mesmerizing.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

  2. NY/NJ is good to visit but not to stay. The freaking toll is pathetic.

    People are rude, arrogant and drive like crazy. They don’t talk, they yell.

    If they see you driving a non NY license plate, you are a moving target.

    You want to know how to talk like a NYorker accent… take a big bite of NY bagel, sticks it in your mouth and start yelling…

  3. I’m originally from NYC and one thing I would say is that the “city that never sleeps” may be a famous saying but really one of the biggest lies ever.

    With the exception of a scattering of all night mini markets, some clubs I’m sure, and the small Times Square Zone (which you can only want to visit so much), NYC is just as much a dark deserted barren wasteland late at night as any other place I’ve seen, even more so than some. In all fairness I have heard that the East Village is more like an all night place, which I did not bother with, but I’m skeptical and doubtful it would really be in my estimation.

    In the US I suspect the only real 24 hour city is Las Vegas, not New York.

  4. As a former ny’r (grew up in city, learning to drive and / compete on the roads there ) i enjoy visiting irregularly to enjoy doses of the ‘city life’ – then retreating to a more liveable environment

    years ago i knew that i had lost my ‘edge’ when 2 taxis made left turns from behind me while i waited at 79/2nd ave for opportunity to make a left turn

    still enjoy faking out some smart ass ny’r on the bqe when a car with out of state plates gives him/her a run for their money in jockeying for position 😉


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