Sedo Announces 12 New Sales Landing Page Options

Less than a month ago, Sedo announced a new sales landing page that could be implemented by sellers who use the platform and park their domain names with Sedo nameservers. This morning, I received an email announcement from Sedo letting customers know the company has made 12 additional domain name sales landing pages options from which customers can choose / customize.

The announcement I received included information about what is included in the 12 landing page options:

“We have taken in consideration the feedback received from you and customers alike and are happy to announce 12 new sales landing pages are now available for parked domains.

Several short weeks ago, we introduced the first version of a sales landing page for parked domains. The template highlighted your domains for sale even better than the classic parking pages. Many Sedo customers have already switched their parked domains to the new layout, and the first of many successful sales have ensued.

The feedback on the new sales page was overwhelming!

We would like to extend our appreciation and thank everyone for their constructive input. This has allowed us to now provide a product with your wishes in mind. As a result, today we have 12 new templates to choose from for your sales landing pages.

As a reminder, the following changes and innovations implemented during our initial release:

· Sedo customer support contact available
· BBB icon as a symbol of trust icon for US buyers
· More choices for the background instead of neutral gray
· Options to show or hide different facts about the domain
· Font size of the domain is larger than the “ for sale” note
· Minimized footer

Now the new landing pages consist of 3 basic templates, which you can customize with information in 4 different ways:

· Offer Box Only
· Incl. Domain Facts
· Incl. About the seller.
· Full version

The new layouts are now available within the Sedo customer accounts. “

The email I received included 4 different screenshots, but I think it would be better for customers to login to their Sedo accounts and see all of them for themselves to either determine which looks best for their needs or to test different landing page options to gauge performance. Here’s how to access these landing page options:

1. Login to your Sedo Account
2. My Domains
3. Change your view
4. Parking optimization
5. Layout tab
6. Edit layouts
7. Select “Sales Landing Page”

From there customers can access the additional options and customize the pages to their liking. Include certain information, exclude others or have the “Full” version which includes all data points.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Is there somewhere on the web where the different landing pages are displayed for comparison purposes? Sedo’s email notification escaped me and I don’t have time for manual setup-and-teardown using a demonstration domain.

    In adding new domains for listing on Sedo, I haven’t found out how to select a landing page during the listing process. This has driven me to go back through the entire portfolio at a later date (often much later) and do a blanket re-selection for the preferred landing page. This is time consuming and detracts from the unique advantages that Sedo delivers as a parking provider.


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