Report: .Money Domain Name Sold for $90k

I received an email from Adam Freeman from Essex, UK who reported that he sold a .Money domain name for $90,000. Due to a confidentiality agreement, he could not reveal the domain name or the buyer. Adam sent me a screenshot of his closing statement, and’s Sandra Gordon confirmed the transaction to me.

Adam told me he bought the domain name at day 3 of EAP in March 2015, and he paid $3,000 for it. He set up a landing page similar to how he has set up, and the buyer inquired about the domain name via email. It took three weeks for the buyer and seller to come to an agreement on the domain name, and the deal closed at today. I asked Adam to share some details about why he bought the domain name and how the negotiation went, and he was happy to share them with me:

“I bought the domain on EAP for $3k.

Having a finance background I knew they were good value as I could flip them or build out a white label service which was my preference – it would have been a great branded service.

I had an offer in April for $2,500 from a different buyer which eventually increased to $15,000 after a few emails back and forth – nothing actually got agreed it was too low. Then in May, the current buyer approached me with an offer of $10,000 and I said that I was not interested in selling and got an increased offer up to $40,000 (this buyer was aware of the previous interest). It was extremely tempting and said I would think about it – whether to sell the domain name or build out a related service later this year. After a couple of days I said that I could not sell for less than $125k (including me paying escrow fees of $1k) as I believed in its value and was going to build our a service related to its name later this year.

Eventually, the buyer had a final offer of $90k and as there was so much movement from him, I went back with a final offer of $105k. After about 7 days of radio silence, I went back to the buyer with an idea….basically, I would come down to $90,000 if I was allowed to make the sale public so that I can mention my other domains in the hope of making up the value I felt I was losing in this transaction. The buyer agreed to this but wanted to remain as anonymous and also protect the actual domain name which I felt was fair.

The domain then went into escrow and completed 7 days later. “

I was told Ron Jackson was notified of the sale, be he won’t be able to chart the name because of the confidentiality (I was told he would mention the sale though). Pro.Flowers was reportedly sold for $50,000 last week. I was told this is probably the largest new gTLD domain name sale from someone in the UK.

It looks like Adam has some other solid new gTLD domain names in his portfolio. He owns,,, and It looks like his investment has already started paying off.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn
  1. Ammeters. Properly written confidentiality agreement prohibit any information to be released, including completion of sale without names and amount.

  2. got sold–remember the hoopla a while back, so much talk about it..

    yea got sold to a greek tycoon to finance Greece’s fiasco but due to NDA, no info can be given out.

  3. So Ray , with your research and Elliot’s escrow info.. you would be safe to say its a real sale that did happen with a real buyer and a real seller?

    It so funny all the anti gtld folks want to say almost anything to deny these real sales that are happening every day.

  4. I’m reading the sellers comments in this article (last paragraph) that the buyer and seller ‘agreed’ to make the sale public just protect the sellers details and full domain name. Not sure the seller has actually done anything wrong here – or have I misunderstood the comments?
    Nice to see gTLDs selling for high values this week, very promising.

  5. Technically it was bought on EAP day 2. EAP days are not the same as “normal” days as they start at 16.00 UTC and end the next day at 16.00.
    It easy very easy to find as there are usually 4-5 domains at most bought on EAP day 2 for $3,000+.
    This is going on my Sold.Domains database as an official sale.

    • Kostas,
      Price was not even one of the factors in my quick check, and unlike you I haven’t check any official EAP list … I’ve just used the clues provided in this article and comments 🙂

    • Hello Mr. Zournas,

      I don’t think you should list the name even though their is no reason except kindness towards the buyer and seller. Since you know the name you know it was sold, So you can confidently list it as sold With a symbol in place of the name and if future sales are discovered with nda’s you can probably do the same.

      Just Sayin

    • First of all it is not my job to hide sales but to post them.
      If people can’t hide their sales as they intent to then it is not my fault.

      Second the domain name is out there. It is not like I am the only one that knows about it. So why hide it if you can find it here anyway.

      And finally I don’t see much point hiding purchases. Maybe you don’t want to reveal your buying strategy but everybody knows now that there is someone with big bucks buying .money domains.
      Or maybe someone wants to hide the purchase from the shareholders, IRS or their wife. 🙂

      I have never asked for an NDA and maybe 1 buyer has asked me for an NDA.

    • Dan,

      Is that 500,000 Indian Rupee’s? Lol.

      I would take 500 bucks if you can get it mate, not that much of a great domain name.

  6. Well I’ve been saying for a while now, “.money” is one of the few of the new gTLDs that’s actually good and a winner with nice potential. The problem is that the registry has it priced to fail and be unpopular. Not that it will fail, just that the pricing is as if trying to make it so. If they changed the pricing it could soar in terms of general popularity and awareness, which could then even make premium .money’s even more valuable than they already may be, and this could perhaps have been a $150K or $200K sale by now instead of $90K.

    • You should always be suspicious of sales like this, although “Adam sent me a screenshot of his closing statement, and’s Sandra Gordon confirmed the transaction to me.”


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