A couple years back, I forgot that I had to spy estimated taxes for the second quarter in June and not July, so I try to post a reminder that they are due in case you’ve forgotten like I once did. Estimated taxes for the 2nd quarter are due this coming Wednesday, June 15.
I believe they just need to be postmarked by the 15th, but I like to send thrum in a couple days early just to make sure there aren’t any issues.
One thing I’ve done to overcome this forgetfulness and ensure that I pay on time is put a couple reminders on my calendar the week prior to all estimated tax due dates. A few days before the due date (yesterday in my case), I receive a pop up and an email reminder.
The way to go is Google Calendar. Among other things, it can even alert you via an sms.
Yes, the dreaded June 15. This one is the one that really hurts for a lot of people because it’s only two months after April 15.
What happens if you forget to pay your quarterly taxes? Can’t you just pay at the end of the year?
The penalty for late payment is actually a very reasonable .5 per month or part of month or 6% per year.
Glad to hear you guys are all “making” money this year. 🙂
Funny, just came back from the post office sending Uncle Sam my 1040-ES check for this quarter 😀
In other breaking news, our mortgage payments are do on the 1st…
Just giving ya hard time.
@ Grant
I wouldn’t know about that 😉