Personal Goal for 2024

My wife is a runner. Scratch that. My wife is an exceptional and competitive runner. I’ve never really gotten into running beyond the slightly more-than-occasional 5k run outdoors or the twice weekly indoor treadmill run.

Last year, I decided I wanted to run more, and I would hold myself accountable for the running I do. I set a goal of running 42 miles each month with an overall goal of 500 miles for the year. I began tracking each run distance in Excel to ensure I stayed on track for each month and the entire year.

I hit my 42 mile goal every month las year, and I ran more than 530 miles for the year. In addition, I ran my first 10k race and set personal records for 5k runs. My fastest 5k was 22:52. I think the most fair way to see my progress is my Wellesley Turkey Trot 5k times. In 2022, with a couple months of regular running, I ran the Turkey Trot in 25:20. I had previously done it in 26:33. This past November, my time was 23:08. It’s pretty neat seeing my improvement since I’ve never been much of an athlete.

This year, I have a similar personal goal for 2024. I am going to increase my monthly running target modestly – to 45 mile/month and 525 mile/year goal, but I am adding a twist. I want to do at least twelve 5k runs with friends. I have always hated running with people. My friends who run are very good athletes, and I don’t want to slow them down or embarrass myself. I also have not been in good enough shape to be able to hold a conversation during a run. I am going to do 20 runs with friends – not including races.

When I attend the ICA meeting in Las Vegas later this month, I hope I can do at least one 5k run with industry friends.

I think running is healthy, and I hope you are doing some exercise to stay fit.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Leave it to me to speak the important but unwanted and uncomfortable truth.

    You better get medically checked first. We don’t want to have to start nominating recipients for an annual “Elliot Silver Award” any time soon. All because of COVID, but a thousand times more so because of the “vax” if you took it:

    1. At a minimum, get checked for signs of myocarditis. People have been dropping like flies because of covid “vax” induced myocarditis, most especially the young, strong, and athletic, especially actual athletes. If you rely mainly on mainstream media for your news and information, and I suspect you do, you may not be aware of that. The most efficient source of real news and real truth is now X, flaws and all, but if one is already on X and merely has fun and does a little marketing one can miss it all entirely.

    This is just a hunch: I suspect there is a good possibility you did take at least the first shot. I know you’ve said before your wife is a doctor, so I suspect it’s 99.99% she took at least that, and maybe some of the boosters too, or else she would’ve been fired and lost her job and career she invested so much in. Unless perhaps she has her own practice or something.

    If either or both of you did take one of the mRNA shots, then you’ve both been among the fortunate ones, most especially your wife based on what you’ve described about her extreme running ventures and prowess.

    If you got only the first shot, some were actually “fortunate” to have been given only placebo, but I’m fairly certain you will not have heard that in mainstream “news.” However, some who escaped harm from any first shot wind up getting done in by the boosters. The boosters are to be avoided like the plague if possible.

    If you and/or your wife are good “pro-vax” people as is expected of you by the puppet masters and powers that be, and I’m sure there’s a lot of that in our industry, and if you also think that because your wife is a doctor you both might have an extra dimension of reason to be confident about that, then that would be tragic indeed. Like I said, the truth is definitely in circulation, despite all the heavy efforts to censor and suppress it, and that includes many of the most brilliant scientists and doctors in the world as well. Including the inventor of mRNA who should’ve won the Nobel Prize no less, and the Nobel Prize winning inventor of the PCR test who sadly died “conveniently” in 2019 after having thoroughly denounced Fauci as the liar that he is.

    You get the idea. Hate me, call me whatever, but just get checked thoroughly before you seriously ramp up your athletic adventures like that. Cheers, carry on, and Happy New Year all…

    (I wasn’t gong to do that, buy my sense of moral obligation despite what normally accompanies this kind of topic got the better of me.)

  2. It’s great to have goals, especially when they involve friends and family.

    And fwiw, mental Illness is the biggest issue plaguing American society these days.


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