There are quite a few regularly scheduled domain name sales newsletters that I receive via email. Some of those include Andrew Rosener’s Media Options newsletter, John Daly’s NameConnect newsletter, and Ryan Colby’s Outcome Brokerage newsletter. I want to share another newsletter I just learned about that has some stellar domain names listed for sale.
Tracy Fogarty is a domain broker at Domain Holdings. I don’t believe I’ve met Tracy personally before, but I’ve done a bit of business with Domain Holdings, primarily with Alan Dunn, Joe Uddeme, and Mark Daniel. I follow Tracy’s Twitter account, and I just noticed that she has a domain sales newsletter, which she linked to in a tweet posted this afternoon. The newsletter is called “Tracy’s HOT Featured Domains List.” I don’t know how often the list is updated and published, but it looks pretty good.
Some of the domain names included in Tracy’s newsletter are:
I am not sure if the domain names are exclusive to her or if they are general Domain Holdings listings, but there are some exceptional names on the list. If you visit the webpage with the current list, you can subscribe to the newsletter to have it delivered to your email address. I am unsure if other Domain Holdings brokers have their own lists, but I would sign up for those if they had different names than Tracy’s list.
As a buyer, I wish the listings had prices next to each of them to prevent wasting her time or mine inquiring about a domain name that is well beyond my budget. Perhaps they could categorize the domain name prices (like $50,000 – $100,000) so I could know if it makes sense to inquire. When I send out domain sales emails, I don’t generally price the names at first, so I can see the advantage to leaving them unpriced.
I have no idea what requirements Tracy (or other Domain Holdings brokers for that matter) has for taking on domain name listings, and I don’t know what the brokerage fee is.
Thanks Elliot for the kind words. There was one mispelled domain.
The domain name is (plural) we are brokering.
Fixed – sorry about that.
Tracy, are you gonna be one of those brokers who sell anything for whatever, just to make commission (such as, or finally we will have first real premium end-user broker who will not deal with domainers and lawballers and would not sell it for fraction of its real value?
How often would you say you buy a domain from one of these regularly sent broker lists? I scan the ones I get and it’s not too often I see what I would consider reseller pricing. Personally in 2 years I’ve bought 1 domain from these lists. There are tons of great names in them, but just not at the price points that I think could be relatively quick or very profitable flips.
Not often, but I have bought from lists before, and it has opened negotiations for me as well. It’s also good to see what is coming on the market. That is one of the main reasons for the Weekly Brokerage Listings posts, too.
Yo peeps, check this out: “Google moves to kill off the URL entirely in new version of Chrome”
Elliot, btw it isn’t you who made a typo, as tweet shows (singular) listed…
Relatedly, anyone know what happened to Toby Clement’s list / company?
No new lists or answers to e-mails for the last couple of weeks.
It looks he’s on the lamb … as Adam joked … lol 😀
You can find updates here
and here
His newsletter is off since last March, no responses to my emails so far.
ummmmmm….he’s probably in Cuba sipping on some pina colada’s with our money.
Perhaps you would like to view “Domains Feast” (www.domainsfeast) which is just simple one page just like most newsletters but also just completely revamped with all prices shown as well as adding an important new hidden URL feature which I have just developed myself.
Sorry I mean!
Nice to see a story about Tracy. I have both bought and sold a few domain names with her. Although I have only sold a few names with her, every time I have sold one I have received more money than I thought the names were worth. In addition to being an honest domain broker, she is professional, kind and courteous. Great representative and champion of the domain industry.
I only know Tracy through the divine intervention of Twitter! Yes the NL looks good, quality names as you would expect too. I wish her well.