I want to share a special ticket offer posted by NamesCon this morning for NamesCon Global tickets. Conference organizers are offering a 30% discount off of the current pricing and giving purchasers a free second ticket with the purchase. Here’s the tweet with the special offer and discount link:
🎁 Our Christmas spectacular🎄: 2-for-1 registration for #NamesConGlobal2020! Save 30% & bring a friend.
This year, to save you from tears, give it to someone special. Book by 🕛 Dec 26 🕛 & we’ll email you the 2nd ticket.https://t.co/J3MP3FCPFt#NamesCon #ChristmasGift pic.twitter.com/grJpMKuK57
— NamesCon (@NamesCon) December 23, 2019
If I am reading it correctly, people who purchase a ticket for the NamesCon Global conference by December 26th (using the discount code) will get two tickets for a total price of $521.99, inclusive of the EventBrite fees.
I bought two conference tickets this year, and I paid more for them separately than I would have paid using this offer. It’s not really a big deal because I would not have been comfortable waiting this long to buy my ticket anyway, but had I waited I would have saved money.
If you and a colleague or business associate are still thinking about going to NamesCon Global this year, now is probably a good time to confirm that. The conference will be held in a little over a month (January 29th – February 1st, 2020) in Austin, Texas.
Do I have to apply for a special visa to go to Texas or my “diplomatic” US passport backed by Uncle Trump good enough?
Yes, 2 tickets _and_ a 30% discount – so somewhat of a kick-in-the-teeth to those “early birds” who secured theirs some time ago – does this give an indication on numbers for this year ?
I think people liked Vegas got a 2 for 1 kick of a trip in, Austin, hmmm not a repeat type of place.
West coast domainers Seattle, California 🙂 Big Money Markets, let’s not forget Vancouver where some of the best domainers in the World hail from…
‘Tis because this is the last year of the gtld. They are a distraction and waste of time. By next year, they will all be gone and we can move on with serious business like at the old TRAFFIC events. The thought of spending so much to hear a bunch of snake oil turkeys promoting their .crap makes me sick, especially knowing that I could have bought some great .coms with the same money.