For the last week or so, popular domain registrar Namecheap has been promoting its special offers for Black Friday and Cyber Monday via its blog and social media channels. A few hours ago on Twitter, the company cited heavy demand for its increase in the number of special offers:
Due to high demand will be increasing some of the deals we offer. We hope this will give more people a chance to take advantage of them.
— (@Namecheap) November 28, 2014
I went to check out some of the company’s domain name offers, and I saw a “Runtime Error.” The full error message I saw was, “Runtime Error Description: An exception occurred while processing your request. Additionally, another exception occurred while executing the custom error page for the first exception. The request has been terminated.”
I tried to visit the Namecheap website from my iPhone and from a proxy browser, and I saw the same error. It seems that others are also seeing an error when visiting the Namecheap website:
#namecheap ha caido, definitivamente el #blackfriday si que les pego bien. 🙁 y yo sin poder llegar a las ofertas
— Hector Kennedy (@heckennedy) November 28, 2014
Hopefully this is a temporary issue for Namecheap because having website downtime on Black Friday is bad for everyone. Luckily, it seems that the company has been giving special offers for a few days.
Luckily for Namecheap, it appears that the website issue was temporary, and the website is working again. The company just posted this update on Twitter stating that the website is back up and operating:
Ok we are back up now, thank you very much for your patience.
— (@Namecheap) November 28, 2014
I’m sure it’s just temporary due to the heavy traffic load they experienced. Time for them to balance a few more servers to compensate on the next ad run. 😉