Just about all of us transfer domain names at least every once in while. Whether we are transferring a domain name because of a sale, to consolidate a portfolio, or to take advantage of a better price, domain transfers are an integral part of being a domain investor.
Unfortunately, it seems that many domain registrars make it very difficult to transfer out domain names. From hiding the authorization code request link, to taking a week to send the auth code, to taking several days to approve the transfer and release the name, and every other trick in between, it can be annoying to transfer domain names. It’s especially annoying when you have a huge sale pending the transfer.
In case there’s a company that wants to make it simple to transfer out domain names, here’s my idea of an ideal transfer (there are some companies that come pretty close to this, like eNom):
1) In my domain control panel, there’s a request authorization code link along with an unlock domain box.
2) The authorization code is emailed to me within one minute and the name is concurrently unlocked.
3) Immediately upon receiving a transfer request from the gaining registrar, the losing registrar sends an email with the registrant with a clear explanation of the transfer, letting the owner know they can click the link to immediately approve or cancel the transfer.
4) Within 1 business day, the name is released to the gaining registrar and a confirmation email is sent.
What do you think could be done to make transfers easier?
Had that trouble last year as a matter of fact. When I was selling BBQ2GO.com I had the damndest time getting them to unlock it for transfer to the Netherlands where the buyer was. A week went by and they could not explain the hold up. The quick solution was to set up an account for the buyer at NAMESECURE, then inter-transfer it. That went quickly, but cost me 11.00 out of my profit to accommodate the buyer. Not too bad, but I agree there needs to be a simpler, cost neutral solution.
I always had trouble transferring out of NameCheap.com. Every time I received auth code didn’t work and I need to talk to their representative through live chat so that they can generate new auth code manually from their end which I used to receive within 48 hours. After that only I could transfer out.
Never understood why it didn’t work for the first time!
Some of the easiest transfer out registrars are GoDaddy, DomainMonster and Name.com
I’ve done many enom to godaddy transfers in about one hour total.
Just did that yesterday.
Is’nt namecheap and I think cheapnames, properties or arm of Godaddy? I could have sworn I heard that somewhere, which might explain why it took less then an hour. On the 1 server issue, it was not a problem at his end in this case since it was to be parked until the website he was working on was done. Still not done. lol.
At the earliest possible, I move all my domains won at auction or at other registrars to my GoDaddy account. That way, when I sell them, all that needs to happen is that the buyer creates a new account (many have one already) and I push the domain. It has taken as little as 30 minutes, but majority is about an hour. I think I have single handidly created dozens of new customers for GoDaddy using this process. I should receive an award.
The downside to doing that is if you sell a name to a company that only uses one registrar, it might make a sale more complicated.
I just sold 2 domains from my go daddy account and pushed to new owners go daddy account in a total of about 6 minutes from start to finish. Godaddy is the absolute king of speed when it comes to inner registrar transfers. Every single time I have to do a transfer its fast!
As a buyer it can be frustrating, especially if I want to resell it, since it’s a pain in the you know what to transfer a recently pushed domain name from Go Daddy. They lock names up for 60 days.
HI, I’m completely new to domaining. I registered a domain at Godaddy to resell it but then locked for 60 days, which I didn’t like.
Can anyone help me a registrare that don’t lock domain
for many days?
It’s an ICANN regulation that newly registered domain names are locked automatically for 60 days.
Moniker has the worst transfers EVER now that they aren’t owned by oversee. 7 full days in most cases. The support lies and tells you that it’s necessary. IT IS NOT. Fix this moniker !
Push is the new transfer!