High Value Names Coming Up For Sale on NameJet

While reviewing FreshDrop a couple of days ago, I saw that a number of high value domain names were coming up for auction on NameJet. I thought it was a bit peculiar for all of these names to “drop” at one time, and they aren’t actually dropping.

According to a post on FindYourDomain.com, a number of valuable domain names will be up for auction with a small reserve price of just $69. Some of the better names (in my opinion) are listed below:

  • Aerospace.com
  • AloeVera.com
  • Copy.com
  • GoCarts.com
  • HouseRentals.com
  • Rex.com
  • Trumpet.com
  • Tx.org

As you may recall, GoCarts.com sold on NameJet in July of 2009 for over $91,000. It will be interesting to see how it does this time around. The auctions start throughout July and August, so visit NameJet to find the exact date of the auction to place your bid.

I also noticed a number of other great names that are up for auction but weren’t mentioned in the article. I don’t know if they’re related to this sale, but additional names on sale include Modifications.com, TennisEquipment.com, Countryside.com, ElectricCompany.com, Polygamy.com, and others.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. You really do wonder how a name can be purchased at NameJet for $91,000 and then let to expire and end up back on NameJet. NJ would certainly be grinning but someone’s really let a lot of money be burned.

  2. elliott, i think these are fabulous.com names (not sure)??, also network solutions has mass mailed all customers announcing these auctions – i think this is a rollout of using partner netsol to sell -as well as to create inventory.

    it will be fun to see the people who are surprised to see their own expired names on the namejet system……..

    so more guest coming to the namejet party, albeit uninformed and with sticker shock cuased by the unrealistic $69 min bid……………..almost another version of the domain spam holders get when another tld of their SLD is being offered…..

  3. *Drops head in shame*

    Thanks for pointing out my stupidity Josh & Elliot. In my haste I skipped the first paragraph which stated they weren’t dropping. I did think it was too many to super names to be dropping which didn’t make sense. Will indeed be interesting to see what prices they go for.


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