I saw this video of Lisa Box from Oversee.net discussing the various factors that may influence the value of a domain name on the aftermarket, and what information a domain owner needs to know when negotiating to sell a domain name. I recommend that you watch the video since there’s some pretty good advice given.
Lisa previously worked for IREIT where she had experience in selling domain names, and her role at Oversee is Senior Director of Sales.
Let me know if she missed anything or if you agree/disagree with her assessment.
Way to go LB! You’re a rockstar 🙂
Very nice description of the valuation process from Lisa. With continuing education to the general public maybe someday it won’t be so hard to convince people that small differences in domains (dashes/numbers etc) can make a huge difference in value.
Thanks for posting this clip Elliot, I enjoyed it.
Yeah, my question is how much does Oversee pay you to post stuff like this.. Lol.
@ Dean
Funny… as I’ve mentioned many times, Oversee is one company in this industry that has never advertised on my blog.
Lisa knows her stuff.
Dean – Personally I wouldn’t care if Elliot got paid to post things like this or not. I just used a themeforest template that Elliot recommended which I would have never found if it weren’t for the mention on this blog. The bottom line is if a blogger talks about something whether paid or not you are following their suggestion and advice for something (the blog) that you aren’t even paying for. If after time you don’t like the posts and/or suggestions you can stop reading.
Fred Wilson of avc.com constantly plugs his portfolio companies, friends, people he likes etc. That hasn’t made him any less credible.
@ Larry
Thanks… I find it amusing when people complain about my articles but seem to come back every day. If they don’t like what I write about (or don’t like how I write), they shouldn’t waste their time here.
Lisa did great! I enjoyed her at domainfest too, each time she speaks I always learn something. She is becoming one of my favorites to listen to.