You may have noticed the donate button that is located next to the Twitter and Facebook buttons in the box below the article. When you click the donate button, you’re taken to my fundraising page on the Ronald McDonald House website.
As you may already know, RMH helps children with cancer and their families, and it is one of my favorite non-profit organizations. This past year, colleagues, friends, and family helped my wife and me raise about $8,500 for the Ronald McDonald House. In 2012, I want to raise even more.
Although I no longer offer private domain consulting, there have been times when people have read an article and asked if they could send me something to say thanks. There have also been times I’ve informally advised people on various transactions and situations, and they’ve asked to compensate me. I can’t recall ever taking money for helping people, and think I’ve always asked people to either donate to RMH or to a non-profit of their choice.
This year, I am going to make it very easy for people to help support an organization that is near to my heart. If you are so inclined, feel free to click the donate button and help me raise $10,000 for the Ronald McDonald House during the year.
It’s truly a great charity, Elliot. A good friend of mine has a child who stayed at the RM house in Vancouver when he was diagnosed with cancer at 5. He wasn’t expected to survive but that was 5 years ago and he’s doing very well. I visited the facility and it was a wonderful caring environment for the kids (and parents) who were going through a very difficult time. Thanks for making this donation drive, Elliot. It does make a big difference.