Guide to Find GoDaddy Domain Name Auctions With At Least 1 Bid

I found that Jamie’s posts were helpful and made it easy to find auctions at Go Daddy with at least one bidder. They were helpful to me because I find GoDaddy’s auction platform a bit frustrating to use. Since Jamie said he isn’t going to post the auctions with at least one bid any longer, I will share the way for you to find them on your own.

I am sure it’s frustrating as a bidder to see a name you are bidding on highlighted, but there is some gamesmanship with auctions, and I recommend waiting until the final possible moments to place your bid.

1) Log in to your GoDaddy account (you need a membership)
2) In the top drop down menu under “Domains” click “GoDaddy Auctions”
3) On the Auctions page, click “Expired Domains”
4) On the right menu, check the following:
– Predefined: “A TO Z Listings”
– # of Bids: “More than 0”
– Type: “Expiring Auctions”
5) Make sure the other options are unchecked, although you can pare it down to .com if you want or other extensions, # of days remaining…etc.

There may be other ways to get there, but this is the best way I’ve found.

Personally, I think GoDaddy’s auction platform needs a user interface overhaul. I haven’t used it much because I have found it frustrating to search. IMO, they would be well advised to take a group of willing customers at TRAFFIC and watch them use the site to see where frustrations arise (hint, hint).

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. The search criteria part is a bit tedious, but once the results come up one can save it and reference it easily over and over again. Just set up a bunch of Saved searches.

  2. I agree! The GoDaddy interface is horrible for “newbies”. I don’t understand why GoDaddy isn’t seeing that… That’s another reason why I added a GoDaddy Expired Domain list to my website. In the member area you can filter the list down to only domains with bids, consisting out of English words (1, 2 or more words if you like) and of course all the other jazz.

  3. Alright Elliot, you’re on.

    I’ll be at T.R.A.F.F.I.C. in October and would be happy to watch how users of various experience levels use the site.

    Anyone who wants to take me up on the offer, swing by our booth. I look forward to the opportunity.



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