Guest Post: Matthew Godson on the Digital Marketing & gTLD Strategy Conference

This is a guest post from  Matthew Godson, Co-CEO of Momentum Consulting Group. In this post, Matthew discusses his views on the introduction of gTLDs and how the Digital Marketing & gTLD Strategy Conference will benefit people who plan to invest or operate in the competitive gTLD space.

More than a name.

It’s going to be a game changing year for domain investors. Experts opinions differ dramatically on how the roll out of ICANNs new gTLD program is going to affect domain investment strategies and how the value of existing investments is likely to be affected.

It’s inevitable that many TLDs are going to be a bust from an investing perspective. Of those that are going to be ‘open’ for investment, even single and double letter domains associated with obscure and unappealing new TLDs are going to be risky.

But there will certainly be big winners – and in many ways the new roll outs reset the clock for domain investors looking for a second opportunity on a coveted string.

But the new marketplace for domains is not going to be quite the same as the existing market.

The new variable in investing is going to be the team behind the new TLDs themselves  and how they plan to introduce it, market it and brand it to consumers.

Are they well funded? Do they have a launch plan and a track record of success? Do they have the marketing and branding expertise to create the buzz that you are going to need in order to confidently realize a return on your investment?

In other words, for the first time in domain investing its going to be the human factor that forms the foundation for your investment strategy. Evaluating the teams behind these new TLDs will become an essential component of your investment strategy for 2013 and beyond.

Many of the investors who are serious about meeting the teams behind the new TLDs will be joining the domain community, registrars and brands at the Digital Marketing & gTLD Strategy Congress this coming March in New York. This event is designed to assist new TLD owners with their go-to-launch strategy as well as help non applicants determine their response. Investors will walk away with an insiders perspective on which new TLDs are going to be the winners – and therefore where best to invest.

The Digital Marketing & gTLD Strategy Conference takes place  March 11-12, 2013 in NYC.  More information can be found at


Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Interesting point, Matthew and definetely something to consider when investing. I would add that the most important factor is the intuitiveness of the domain name itself and whether the specific group will embrace it.


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