I received an email from my account manager at GoDaddy about a price increase on .org domain names. I don’t think I own more than a few .org domain names, but I wanted to pass information about this price increase along to readers who may own their own .org domain names.
In short, the price of .org domain name is going up by $2 on August 1st. Domain names impacted by the price increase can be registered, renewed, or transferred in advance of the price increase in order to avoid paying more once the increase goes into effect.
Other registrars may charge increase their pricing by more (or less) than $2, so what I am sharing only applies to domain names registered at GoDaddy:
“There is a $2 price increase for .ORG domain names I wanted to inform you about. The .ORG Registry is increasing the price for all Registrars and as a result, GoDaddy will be increasing the pricing for the .ORG TLD which will be reflected within your account. I have pincluded the specifics below:
– This is a $2 price increase for all new registrations, renewals, and transfers of .ORG domain names.
– This change will take place on August 1, 2016.
Should you wish to take advantage of the current rates, please be sure you do so before the price change on August 1, 2016. Once the change is implemented, we will be unable to retroactively price any domain names.”
Many registrars announced this awhile ago. Some have not since they don’t want to get angry emails from customers. 🙂
Technically PIR is raising the price about 90 cents. I guess GD figures they can make an extra $1 on each .ORG domain.
Actually PIR is increasing .org wholesale prices by 0.87 USD … but some Registrars are taking again the opportunity to make some more extra money at registrants expenses … shame on them …
The 0.87 cents doesn’t include payment processing fees to my understanding. I believe it’s 3 cents extra for each registration.