In a press release today, GoDaddy announced that the company has launched a new marketing and advertising campaign. As part of this new campaign, the company also released two new television commercials, which I have embedded below for you to watch.
I think the majority of domain name buyers and inquirers know about GoDaddy, and many of them likely look to GoDaddy for information about buying domain names. Because of this, I think it is important for people that invest in domain names to know how GoDaddy is promoting itself and domain names in general.
I think the commercials are humorous, and I particularly like the “Related” commercial. As you will see, the largest domain registrar in the world is less focused on selling domain names and the company is primarily focused selling small businesses on complete website package. As you will see, there is no mention of domain name extensions – not even in the example website logos. Interestingly, if you visit the two company names in .com ( and, you’re taken directly to the GoDaddy home page.
Have a look at the two television commercials below and let me know what you think of them by sharing your feedback:
The first television commercial is called “Stick It!”
The second television commercial is called “Related”
Although they don’t show URLs in the address bar, they smartly purchased domain names matching the two “brands” – and
” Interestingly, if you visit the two company names in .com ( and, you’re taken directly to the GoDaddy home page.”
I never did well on reading comprehension tests 🙂
The first video “Stick It!”, I just sent to my client that I just finish design her site… She never had a site before 🙂
I actually like the first one better – the humor has more of a message.
I like their auctions section, and am not a fan otherwise despite the cute commercials and Danica Patrick. They do own the market though, and seem to be the Microsoft of Domain names and hosting.