Give Them What They Want

Do you own some good domain names but you aren’t sure how to develop them? Maybe they’re either “too generic” or too broad, and you can’t determine what would be best for the website. If this is the case, why not put up a simple one page website for a month or two with a blank form asking visitors what they expect to see and/or what they’d like to see on your site.

If development isn’t your forte, one of the developers listed on my sidebar can help you create a very simple site with a form, allowing visitors to tell you exactly what they think your website should be. Instead of guessing what people want when they visit, why not ask them and give them what they want. You can also add a poll with pre-selected options to make it easier for them in case they don’t want to spend time writing.

Based on what your visitors tell you in your questionnaire/poll, you can build a great website with the desired content, and then you can figure out how to monetize it after. If you give visitors what they want, they will probably return – and they may even have more of a vested interest in your site when you launch.

Additionally, if you already have a website, you might want to add a user feedback form to make sure you are giving them what they want. Ask if they are satisfied with your current site, and make changes as necessary. If a visitor is passionate enough to share his opinion, it’s probably an important change to make.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. you mean actually put something interactive and concept based on a site without a ton of metric monetizers beeping and blipping?


    ps would be a nice way for domainers to hook up with content partners

  2. NOTE: It’s also a great chance to gather user data
    and build a database of clients/customers/users.

    Once they send in their info, save it and you have something to build from.


  3. Hi Elliot:

    Great post. One alternative though is to actually have different buttons for them to click on regarding different topics and then measure the results.

    In other words, my experience has been that when it comes to focus groups, polls, etc… People don’t always say what they want. Nor do they say what they mean. So instead asking them for their opinion (which always changes) actually give them choices to make and let their click-behavior determine results or drive further testing.

    Just a thought.


  4. I don’t fully agree. I think by far the main reason to develop a site is if you think you can develop a genially great site. More often than not it will be about the subject you are really interested in.

    Matching your interests/ability to a perfect domain is a huge plus. I would go as far as saying in very competitive area it may not be worth developing without a perfect domain.

    I would give what type-in visitors want to see very little weight relative to what your interests and abilities are.

  5. Some people have done very well just putting up a simple landing page. They in turn take the data and find the right affiliate program that matches what they are looking for.

    Thanks, Jim

  6. This entire concept is the underpinning of lead generation.

    Have users fill out a form telling you want they want, sell that lead to a reseller (who then fulfills the lead) or build your own advertiser network andd match the user to advertisers who can help them.

    Most lead generation sites are nothing more than a form that asks the person what they are looking for.

  7. We have also tried this for a couple of category defining domain names (CC domains here in Europe), and it seems to be a good indicator on what to do with the traffic. I also like Mark’s approach, it sounds like a good idea in many cases.

    This post covers an interesting topic which I had been hoping for some qualified input on – how best to make use of good domains that are “pending” site/business development. Generally I find that there are 4 main objectives in this phase:

    1)Generate revenue – monetize the type-in traffic if possible, using AdSense, affiliate ads, and/or a leadgen form
    2)Listbuilding – why not take advantage of the visitors that drop by while your great site is in planning or construction; a simple “notify me when the site is live” will often do
    3)Return visitors – try to give visitors some reason to come back; for instance by creating light content, a small industry directory, anything is better than a blank page
    4)Get to know the audience – like Elliot’s post mentions, pull information from the visitors and get to know them before launching the “real” site

    What are your thoughts?


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