When a domain broker or domain brokerage takes an excellent domain name under exclusive listing, it’s a smart idea to distribute a press release to announce that the domain name is for sale. The broker will want to share information about the domain name, why it is special, and perhaps include some pricing information. The idea is to let as many people possible know the domain name is on the market.
In my opinion, the release is important, but getting it in front of the right people is even more important. I think there are four types of people who should receive the press release, directly from the broker:
End user prospects – Obviously the most important recipient are companies that might have an interest in buying the domain name. These people should be emailed by the broker and perhaps even called to see if they have any questions about the domain name. Depending on the size of the company, the broker might want to contact a marketing executive or the owner of the company.
Trade publications – Journalists in the field that the domain name is associated should be sent the press release with some additional information about why the domain name is important. Having a well read trade publication cover the news release will help spread the word to companies that the broker might not know about. In addition, it might encourage prospects to act quickly so they don’t lose out on the opportunity to a competitor.
News media – The news media won’t generally cover a domain brokerage story, but if they do (and not simply reprinting a press release), there will be considerable coverage. In fact, if a mainstream news outlet covers a story, it is likely that trade publications will also cover the story as well.
Domain investors – Although domain investors won’t generally pay end user prices for domain names, they can help expedite a sale because they tend to be able to pay quickly and not have any transfer or escrow issues. A domain investor sale may not be optimal, but waiting for months or years for the right buyer with the financial wherewithal to close a deal is not optimal either.
If you can think of others who should receive the press release, you are welcome to share. Domain owners who do not wish to use a domain broker may also choose to distribute their own press releases, and the same groups should be emailed.
Elliot-I just now saw your “cruises.com.au” article- we own OMGCRUISE.com -thank you for the post
I don’t see any relationship between the two.
The questions to ask a broker is:
Will You issue a Press Release on the name and if so on what news wires? Dow Jones, Reuters, PRWeb, etc.
How many media contacts do you have in your database and will you reach out to them by phone after emailing them all?