It looks like someone is getting creative with a politically charged domain name. If you were to type in, you will end up on a landing page featuring information about Absentee and Early Voting. Given the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic that is plaguing the United States, a great deal of Americans will choose to use absentee ballots during the Presidential election in November.
It is unclear who is responsible for the domain name, and consequently, its redirect to Whois records show that was created on March 5, 2011, long before Donald Trump became a candidate for US President. The domain name is registered at 1&1 Ionos, and the Whois record shows the registrant as “REDACTED FOR PRIVACY.” This is due to Europe’s GDPR regulations, although it does not necessarily mean the registrant is based in Europe. The domain name had Whois privacy enabled prior to the redaction.
It looks like the domain name has been forwarding to for quite some time. A search of Twitter shows quite a few people referencing the redirection.
There are always humorous domain name redirects during election season. Recently, I wrote about the domain name forwarding to a video on YouTube created by a group called Republican Voters Against Trump. I am sure there are dozens of domain name redirects like this on both sides of the aisle.
Incidentally, the domain name forwards to Looking at the other side of the aisle, forwards to a Google search for “democrats,” and goes to a GoDaddy landing page.
If you see a fun or humorous political domain name redirect, please feel free to share.
Bad for domainers. Poor move.
Off the top of my head, I can’t think of any domain investor colleagues who use 1 & 1 Ionos for their domain name registrations, so my bet is this domain name is not registered to a domain investor.
I just read this…you are right! Its probably just a trollish trump hater and we seem to have many these days. Not gonna get political I promise.
I think it’s funny. I think it’s good publicity for domaining. The power of a name. Using domain names to get someones message across…great!
Who cares if you agree with it?
Are we all going to be social justice warriors and revoke EVERYTHING ‘you’ disagree with?
Welcome to a thing called FREEDOM. Where your opinions generally mean squat!
So while you disagree, I approve. Shale we have the supreme court decide, or leave it at that?
I completely agree with you….agree or disagree who cares…that why we live in Democracy, express yourself via domain names.
Unfortunately, in most countries esp Communist countries, a slight hint of “disagree” will make you magically disappeared in the middle of the night.
When Trump is no longer in office, the domains will be worthless ,not like those leaders in Communist China…they will be there forever. Someone bought for $5k
Magna cum laude
Graduate of Domain King Academy
MBA-My Big Ass(all of you have one)
PHD-people having dickheads
vote early…for often for your totalitarian regime 🙂
I agree with the above sentiment. Its tacky. Elliot I wanted to register once and build a small minisite but I waited and you esse tially ran this hand registered contest and I remember thinking you are right for shambling someone who tries to either tarnish someone else via a domain name or take another brand as it belonged rightfully to the owner in my view. The point for me is do domain investors benefit from these cheap registrations? I dont think they do and I wear the name domain investor/collector as Morgan Linton would call me as a badge of honor. Respectfully of course sir not trying to troll a comment out of you.
If you don’t do it,then someone will!!
Perhaps but I care about my reputation and shaking the hand of the people I respect like the owner of this blog and others and how would I be able to approach him at a conference and tell him I adored ElliotsBlog and still do with DomainInvesting if I buy ElliotSilverBlog or some would hurt my chance of inviting him to New York to have a beer at local watering hole called the Pig and Whistle..Sometimes doing the right thing matters!
You can buy it to protect the brand…so it won’t fall into the wrong hands. redirects to