Christie’s auction house in New York City held a special auction today related to a well-known domain investor: “Important Watches Featuring The Leo Collection: 31 Sophisticated Wristwatches Curated by Frank Schilling.” The auction featured a number of rare watches from watchmakers such as Patek Philippe, Rolex, Chopard, Panerai, and many others.
Today’s live and Internet auction grossed a total of $10,050,362. The highest price realized was a Patek Philippe tourbillion watch, circa 2008, which sold for $602,500. The pre-auction estimate for this watch was $500,000 – $800,000. There were a number of high quality watches that sold for less than $10,000 each.
It’s not entirely clear which watches were actually owned by Schilling, as there were a total of 387 watches included in the auction.
That is likely the hardest purchase I ever made, a nice watch.
Knowing you meet people who dont make whats on your wrist in a year makes easy discussions hard with short sleeves lol
What kind of watch do you have?
Coming from sales and corporate background, over the years I took notice who was looking at my watch as we spoke. To me, it just served a function.
I still have the expensive watches but they are sitting in my home safe.
Since, entering the internet industry, I haven’t worn a watch in 7 yrs. There are constant reminders of time in every direction I look. (computer, phone, car, tv, etc)
Maybe, that is why Frank sold the watches?
Who needs a watch when you can relax on seven mile beach?
Another sign that Frank is raising cash due to his portfolio generating significantly less revenue than a few years ago.
@ Big Jack
I don’t know which watches are owned by Frank (if any). The auction says it was curated by Frank Schilling.
I started fairly small Elliot, before I was married I treated myself to my first Rolex ( Day/Date ) Gold ๐
From there it progressed to different dials, a couple Daytona’s…. To be honest I regret it all to a degree, well its nice to have them youre a jerk to tell someone, I deal with mid-low income individuals still in real estate and face to face I see it puts them off some. When i have mid 5 figures flying around on my wrist while I explain they need to save $15,000 to buy their first home I feel like a dick.
When hanging out with other successful people it isnt a problem but its a rare day and mainly they sit in their winder and I wore the gold one once this summer so far and thats it.
On our honeymoon we did the europe thing, Parsi, Italy and Switzerland the first 6 weeks. When in Switzerland I was of course eager to see the watches, turned out our tour that evening was after store hours so I was looking through a window that said ROLEX and a couple girls from NY ( on tour with us ) who btw you couldnt mistake for anything but new yorkers lol any way she says ” aaahhh stores closed, too bad you cant buy that rolex ” and laughed as it was said sarcasticly. I went to turn and explain how much she didnt know about me when my nw iwfe grabbed my arm and said ” no! “. Thing is my wife was right, I would have only looked like a jerk.
Speaking of the wife, yesterday she didnt invite her colleagues over for year end social stuff because she said she is embarrassed. I said of what, she said of us, our home, the bimmers etc. She said she feels uncomfortable being 29 and having more than those who are 59. My wife is funny, she likes nice things, she just doesnt want anyone to know she has them lol
Does anybody really care if you have a nice watch??? Nobody really gives a shit. I’m sorry but I live in Southern California and people who try to impress people with nice watches really don’t impress anybody at all.
I buy a $20 watch and I an in the top 1% earnings in the United States, and I put the money toward my daughters education fund.
One rule to remember, when your on your death bed some day, are you really thinking about “I wish I could of got a great watch”, if you do, your priorities are messed up.
Thanks, Jim
@ Jim
If someone has a nice home, car, vacations and a pile of money in the bank, why not splurge and buy a watch to go with his wife’s diamond jewelry?
My wife worked in a bank for 7 years. This is flat out true the stories she would tell me. The guys coming into the bank with expensive watches, expensive cars, fancy suits on, they would be the one bouncing checks, overdrawn, in deep financial trouble.
On the otherhand, the guys coming into the bank, many looking like “bums”, $10 watches, old cars, old clothes on, many with no shoes which is common in Southern California, were the ones who had millions in the bank.
It’s a crazy world, it’s almost the opposite effect of what reality is. Read a book called “Millionaire Next Door” and you will see what I mean by this.
Thanks, Jim
i’m convinced “josh” is a pseudonym created by elliot to get a rise out of people – that’s not a real email – can’t be
@ Michael Carter
“iโm convinced โjoshโ is a pseudonym created by elliot to get a rise out of people”
You aren’t too smart then. Josh is one of the more successful domain flippers/brokers I know. You can find the same avatar at DNForum I think (thelegendaryjp or something like that). Just to tie in the watch thing with Josh, he brokered the sale of I tried to help him sell it to J&Co but they had no interest. Thanks for stopping by and offering your insight – always appreciated.
Just double checked and he switched out the banana avatar that he had for a while:
Also just so everybody knows, I do NOT use any pseudonyms, fake names or anything like that on my blog. Someone asked me about “Borat” once, and I can promise that isn’t me. It’s someone who is well-known in this business though. I find it funny when on occasion someone else will post as Borat, when it’s simple to check their IP ๐
@ Jim
That’s true, but you find that type of thing everywhere. Go to a club in NYC and some of the dudes buying bottles don’t have a pot to piss in ๐
@Josh @Elliot – Conspicuous consumption is leaving a nasty taste in many people’s mouths nowadays.
I agree with Jim above. Throughout my career, I noticed one important fact: Those who flaunt their wealth with bling and cars aren’t really that wealthy – and if they are – they have an enormous ego problem. Always generally had something to prove – and were a pain in the ass to work with.
My wealthiest clients didn’t wear watches. They didn’t have to. They had no one to answer to. They also tended to drive pickup trucks and dress in blue jeans.
Stealth wealth is the way to go.
@josh: “Speaking of the wife, yesterday she didnt invite her colleagues over for year end social stuff because she said she is embarrassed. I said of what, she said of us, our home, the bimmers etc. She said she feels uncomfortable being 29 and having more than those who are 59. My wife is funny, she likes nice things, she just doesnt want anyone to know she has them lol”
Your wife is smarter than you give her credit for. Been there. Done that. She is absolutely correct. The more money you display, the fewer friends you will have.
@ Big Jack
There are wealthy assholes and poor assholes all the same. ๐
I think it’s much more fun to watch someone with an enormous ego fail though – especially when the person flaunts a whole lot when you know there’s not much to back it up.
IMO, if you have the money to buy nice things after your necessities are covered, nobody has the right to criticize or pass judgment. No matter what type of watch, car, home…etc you have, you should always be respectful of others and treat every single person with the same respect you would expect.
@Elliot: Kinda agree…but kinda don’t. I find there are more sorry-soul terribly lonely wealthy people.
Truly, most blue collar hard working people are great to be around.
@ BJ
I guess if I had my choice, I would rather be a rich sorry soul than a poor sorry soul… hahaha (kidding around).
“IMO, if you have the money to buy nice things after your necessities are covered, nobody has the right to criticize or pass judgment. No matter what type of watch, car, homeโฆetc you have, you should always be respectful of others and treat every single person with the same respect you would expect.”
I still stand by what I said above: Stealth wealth is the way to go. Otherwise, you are doing classic “conspicuous consumption.” Why else would you wear a $50,000 watch? Status. No other reason.
It is a matter of *being judged because you are making overt status statements. In some communities, that would make you a target.
Do you have a right to do so? Yes. Should others be respectful of your decisions? Yes.
40 Million American on food stamps. Unemployment easily over 20%. It’s bad taste to be driving your Ferrari through downtown Detroit, isn’t it?
“40 Million American on food stamps. Unemployment easily over 20%. Itโs bad taste to be driving your Ferrari through downtown Detroit, isnโt it?”
You’d be quickly displaced from your Ferrari in some neighborhoods.
No disrespect meant on my postings above. As a younger man, I used to go after the trappings. I was the big boss and financially successful.
Then I had children.
Then I put on another 7 years.
Then I got a clue.
I walk the talk because after I got a clue, I moved my family from Silicon Valley to a place west of the Rockies to escape the rat race. Behind I left many many many acquaintances who are still chasing their demons and thinking they are successful when their kids don’t even know them.
Do I wear a watch? Nope. Do I drive an expensive car? Nope. I’ve got lots of land, more privacy than you can imagine, and countless nights watching the stars with my kids.
@ BJ
No disrespect felt by me.
If you’re happy and in good health, there isn’t much else that’s necessary.
You are a smart guy. Indeed.
@ BJ
Thanks, but careful with those compliments because Michael Carter might just think you are a pseudonym of mine.
I agree with E…once you’ve got your basics covered, why not enjoy your money. I am not wealthy by any means, but if I can afford to, I like to have a good time and buy nice things.
Think of it as a charity of somesort. You go out and have a nice meal and leave a nice tip. The waiter/waitress goes home happy and he/she has a few more dollars to spend on the kids, to put towards a downpayment, etc… And the owner has a little more money to open up a new location, hire more people, etc…
It’s like spreading the weatlth in a non-communist kind of way
@ JD
I agree with that. When wealthy people spend money on expensive things, it helps keep/add jobs and trickles down.
The funny thing is I cannot even share how I fee like a dick for what I have sometimes in the company of those who have less without being told I am flaunting lol
Ill also have you know I grew up in a family who has the cash to buy an item or you don’t buy it. I have had 2 very good partners in the domain business and they can atest to my hate of debt.
It is usually jealousy under the ” people who look rich usually arn’t ” response. Now I am by no means rich but I am not poor. I always tell my wife, if the money is there and our priorities are taken care of than feel free to buy what you wish.
My point in the first post was yes I have ” things” and yes I feel guilty at times and second thoughts about purchases, that was all.
As for my domain success, Elliot I appreciate your reply…and for those who care to know I started 5 years ago with a $500 LLL .net and that was it! I work my butt off day in and day out, I do millions in business because I work for it and as Elliot has shown if you have the knowledge and the desire to work, you can succeed in this industry quite well.
@Michael Carter, Im real baby, a real dick but thats only because I tell it like it is ๐
@JD: “Itโs like spreading the weatlth in a non-communist kind of way”
Amen, brother.
@Elliot, just to clarify, I didnt broker, I owned it outright. Just one of many premium first name dot com trades ๐
The buyer was Yakov ( Jacob in Russian ), I am sure you know him as he may be in NY himself and a large domainer.
@Josh: What’s the best marketplace for domains now?
@BigJack, in my opinion and it has changed in the last 2 years…
During the surge up to 2008ish you could sale a one word generic .com on the forums fairly quickly and move on, in fact it it took more than a couple weeks it was rare. I put up years ago at dnf and in short order sold for $XXXXX, resold again recently btw for $50k plus but not on a forum. I could give many examples of this I have had. Basically any decent generic up until 2 years ago saw 5 figues in a flash, those days are gone. Any premium LLL .com was $20k-$30K no problem, there has clearly been a reduction in values over all. I sold 5 LL .com and easily commanded $150k-$250k+ each, try that today ๐
Mind you I dont see a lot of great names for sale on forums and generics generally over priced at auction but I digress.
Now since the down turn and cash being tighter (investors dried up and pulled in the reigns) I no long look at forums as prime places. Why, well they are generally lower offers off the bat, with money being tight and the demand for revenue/stats taking over why go there immediately with a generic .com ( any premium ). I have never and will never sale a generic .com on rev stats alone, there is a premium that MUST be added.
I have in 5 years built a nice client list and usually run it by buyers privately first which has lead to 80% or so of my business being private. I now am very impressed with venues like Domainfest, they seem to generate great results.
Botton line, no magic place, no best place, only best timing! Invest wisely and KNOW you will have a margin on your purchases, that is the real key to always coming out ahead! The issue here is most are not savy or experienced enough to know when to walk away from a name. Half of what I do now is field calls asking for my advice on values, Im not perfect but saved a lot of people a lot of money.
@Josh: Thank you.
The problem is once you let material things take over your life there is no limit to how far your greed is going to take you.
Perhaps we need to learn from some of the wealthiest people in the World who after accumulating so much have come to the conclusion that there is more to life than just collecting expensive jewelry and fancy cars.
See for details.
@ Big Jack – Agree completely! Keep it frugal as can be and save your money for a rainy day.
You can’t chase material things to find happiness.
I work part-time in this business at home and take care of my twin 2 year old daughters full time. Could I hire a nanny and work more and make another $100K a year. Probally, but for what, to buy another thing. People really need to evaluate what is important in there life.
When I got into this business in 1998, I was different, I had no kids, and I thought material things would make me happy. I bought the houses, the fancy cars, the boats, etc. I look back, and it was a very empty and lonely time, just me and my things. Nobody gives a shit what you have anyways, and I am glad I grew out of that phase but some people never do.
Thanks, Jim
So you cant have things and be happy?
Just because you cannot have both doesnt mean no one else should. I am not saying I work hard to buy things, my priorities are right, food, selter, provide for family, give to less fortunate etc etc etc If I can do that and drive my cars, boats, planes and fly in lobster from the other side of the world, why not?
Honestly Jim it sounds like you boarder on bitterness. Its great you spend time with your children, the fact you sacrifice “things” to do so is noble but makes you no better than someone who can achieve both.
You may not have been happy with your things but there are a lot of married men who look back and wouldnt mind being alone with their things alone, on route 66 or Vegas LOL
My point, nothing makes anyone happy, it’s a choice, I know many good families with a miserable father figure.
Cool piece. I read a really cool article about the domain pioneers who are legends now. Back in 2005, CNN wrote a really article on Ye, Schilling, Rick, and many of the domaining legends.
Check out the article. It was a cool article, which I found to be educational, as well.
I’m hearing a lot of stereotyping.
(Just like people who call all domainers cybersquatters.)
Most of you guys are too young to remember the required corporate uniform of the 1970’s and 80’s.
Managers wore quality (which usually meant expensive namebrand), conservative (navy blue, dark grey, etc) suits.
Quality shoes, shined shoes, conservative tie, and a quality watch.
This applied to corporate managers, lawyers, bankers, stockbrokers, real estate agents, etc.
Just like if you walked into a dojo, you would expect the instructor to be wearing a black belt.
The corporate uniform rules had totally changed by mid-1990’s.
Interesting article. Watches don’t represent an elite status. It is what one does with their skills that attracts attention. Some elite domain investors brag, while others like Ye keep quiet.
Performance is what matters most. While many domains fetch 5 figures and more, some of these domains produce poor stats. A business is basically paying for the domain name, then for its performance. That is how businesses end up failing in the long run.
Owning a good watch doesn’t mean one has to buy an expensive Rolex. I;m happy with my Bulova. It is a nice watch. It may only cost $400, but many like the way it looks.
As with watches and domains, some people gloat and others produce results while under the radar.
Good post!
Really. Who cares? Who the F cares what that guy sells or what he’s doing today. And who cares if you’re wearing a rolex or not. Frankly, my timex tells the exact same time as your rolex AND I dont give a crap if it gets scratched or lost.
@Mike, I feel the same way except with my rolex, who cares if its lost or scratched, its just a watch, buy another one I say.
You have to understand something. I was that material person in my 20’s and early 30’s. Been there and done that. If you knew me, and maybe you do because I have been to about 15 domain conferences over the years, you would understand what I am talking about.
I still own 3 homes for investment reasons, and I have a 50 foot sailboat because I race sailboats. I do enjoy nice things. However, at this phase of my life, I don’t have to work more, I am financially secure, and what was important to me 10 years ago are not any more.
Basically for me it comes down to this order:
1) Family
2) work 2 hours a day on domain business
3) race sailboats
Very simple, and that is my thing.
Thanks, Jim
@ Jim
What type of business did you get into to become rich? Was it .com or investment related? You must live a great life. I worked hard to earn my degrees, served in military and helped hundreds of students earn their degrees.
I’m never been into material things. My first blog post on my Nagic Writer blog was on material wants, and their role in ruining people.
I worked extremely hard to earn my Master’s degree for three years, and now don’t have enough money to even go to my graduation in DC next Saturday.
I wish I had a roles right now because I would pawn it to make my graduation. I never missed a graduation on my entire life. Your daughter is lucky to have your help. I’m buried in student loans. I’m trying to be patient with domain investing. I’m actually optimistic about it. Last three months was tough, but I’m doing better.
It seems you have a good life because you made good decisions. If you’re in the top 1%, I suspect you’re total net worth is more than 8 figures. Must be really cool to not have financial concerns. While I write many blogs to help people, I also share my downturns.
Good job.
Go ahead and e-mail me at:
and we will talk more.
Thanks, Jim
@Jim, no need to continue the convo, it’s just different strokes for different folks. as I age I do know what you mean about priorities shifting, never desired a 4 door car, never planned for my future (seriously), never dreamed Id be walking around garden centers or buying a bird feeder. It all came with age and shifts in whats important, I know where you are coming from.
I just sensed you seem to villify someone who may have toys and kids to perhaps not be a good parent (time/attention) wise.
As for knowing you and confrences, I’d have to use a fake name to get in lol
I would never vilify someone who may have toys and kids to perhaps not be a good parent (time/attention) wise. I am sorry if that came across wrong. Everybody has different priorities and whatever makes people happy that is what is important.
As regard to conferences, I need to use a fake name. I am afraid that picture of me and Ron Jeremy and a couple of those ladies at the playboy mansion party during domain fest will come back to “haunt me” some day:)
Thanks, Jim
After seeing pics online of the party my wife is pretty sure now I can never go lol
One of the biggest traps in life is when you get successful and wealthy in your 20’s and 30’s and go on a spending binge like there is no tomorrow and you think all your ventures will always spin cash forever. It doesn’t work that way though. Businesses come and businesses go, even the biggest and most successful can hit hard times for any number of reasons.
So always SAVE a big chunk of your cash flow when you’re young and have good health and energy. It’s ok to spend some on fun and expensive goodies, just don’t let your goodies get the best of your wallet.
You’ll discover when you’re older money can’t buy happiness nor peace of mind, and sometimes it can make your life a living hell or make you feel empty inside, like if your wife married you just for your money, or your friends are there just because you provide everyone with lavish entertainment all the time.
Happiest day in my life was when I realized the best things in life are free and don’t cost you a dime, like going to the beach and watching the sun set or taking a long walk in the park or just spending the day playing with your children. The luxury cars, jewels, and lifestyle are all fun at first, and stroke your ego, but quickly get old and boring when that power rush fades away.
@ Josh, maybe you could nudge your wife to invite the colleagues. In this country with opportunity for all being of humble means or being wealthy doesn’t carry stigma like for Europeans of another century . . .
As many here volunteer, you started out without much in a material way before gaining, so you are familiar with both ends.
Your wife’s colleagues might surprise your her with genuine appreciation for heartfelt hospitality at your place – no matter what the decor or views, etc. In turn you might enjoy visiting them for meaningful association, You’re not a snob if they don’t serve filet mignon and the most expensive wine, so you can’t anticipate they would be a snob of your material success, either!
I would be interested in your ideas. I left you a message, but it was returned. Thank you for investing the time to convey your ideas. They’re really good.
@Louise, that sounds like good advice. I do know both ends, grew up with my mother and sister all my life. Saw dad fri at 6 untill sun at 6 which half the time he was working. My mother worked hard and being the sole provider for two kids I was off to the babysitter at 530 each morning and after school until supper hour. We were not poor but not by much, my mother sacrificed a lot for us. I am no snob and that may be why, I can sympathize deeply for the less fortunate. The fact is you never know what tomorrow holds, good or bad and as kevin mentioned it is important to save and count your blessings.
My start in domains was by chance and in part thanks to GD lol I was watching the super bowl and saw a D commercial, said huh wonder what domains are and the rest history. Truth is I NEVER owned a computer until after that and the first was my gf old pentium 1 ๐ Like I said earlier, $500 LLL net became $4k sale, bought for $3500 sold for $15k and on and on, millions later ๐
There’s no BS with the sale of You sold it on Feb. 7, 2006 for $15,100. I need a strategy like yours. While others were looking for the .com, you snatched up the .net. You also pushed at Sedo. Those were two excellent sales. Congratulations on your success.
I oppose education because the government and loan companies want to convey that everyone needs college. When I read the “The Master of their Domains” article, it really made me think that I wasted my life going after education.
I worked hard to earn a Film & Media degree to increase my exposure in the Hollywood Writing industry, but the writers’ went on strike. Then I invest three years into earning a Master’s Degree in Public Administration, now California is broke. The city of Los Angeles anf other cities across the state are issuing pink slips.
My main goal has always been to write film. I made many sacrifices to achieve that goal. In the end, I gained most of my knowledge through researching and writing. College can’t teach people to become smart, they only train you to keep an open mind.
You’ve probably heard the same story many times. My mother told me to invest into the Internet in 1994. She told me to get into computers because I would have a good future. She always focuses on the future. Instead, I focused on writing, acting, and production. I served in the military to acquire the GI Bill to afford college. After 14 years in college, I earned 2 AA, 1 BA and MA degrees.
To think that if I focused more on learning about domains, I would have a better life. I purchased a few domains in 2004, but never looked at them being popular. I used them to share my film projects. I bought more in Jan 2009 – 20 to be exact. A year later one resulted in a sale. That motivated me to research the industry.
I may be skeptic at times because I have called many businesses, been rejected from Sedo auctions, wasted time going to meetings, and essentially only made 3 total sales in the past 4 months. I’ve called many businesses, even one that I completed a deal with in the past. They give you their e-mail address. I put the time into writing a nice e-mail. Then, you never can get a hold of these people again.
When I read posts such as yours, you can back up your sales. There are actual records of them online. Congratulations on your success.
I’m interested in reading another article on how to sell to an end-users. I know you’ll be working with the winner to make a few sales, but I like to know how you can contact a prospective buyer besides using e-mails, calling them and scheduling meetings. Knowing the right people and pricing domains at the right price seem to be most important. If you price your domains too high, then you won’t push forward with a sale.
I’ve talked with webmasters, advertising teams, and mostly everyone in a company. It is the advertising team that register the domains and acquires additional ones. Cold calling is routine. I mastered the art of cold calling, which will help me when I send out my screenplays this summer. However, I want to learn alternatives to making a sale. Hope you can write another article on selling to an end-user. This time, I would like you to pick another winner to push one of their domains – a previously registered domain.
Thank you. ๐
@ Jason
My best advice is to buy good domain names, because they are easier to sell. Sounds simplistic, but I think there’s alot of advice on my blog already on how I buy domain names. I’ve also written a number of articles about selling domain names to end users.
I won’t sell someone else’s domain name because I am not a domain broker and have no desire to be one.
I’ve read many of the article on the blog. Buying good domain names may cost more than they are worth. You have to know how much you’ll willing to spend, and whether you can make a ROI.
Hundreds of domains are sold at auctions each month. Essentially, I know you expressed no desire to assume a broker role in past articles. But, it would sure make a good article on how a previously domain, whether it ours or yours is sold from start to finish.
You wrote an article once a sale from start to finish, but I don’t think you shared the domain name. I hope to read about a domain name you can share without creating any privacy issues. It would be interesting, to say the least.
@Jason, I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters who have furthered their education or are currently in school doing so.
Personally I always had a nose for business, even from an early age, a some what self taught and natural ability. I loved reading the business section at 12, invested through my uncle at 15 but along with that can smell BS easily, make quick decisions on value or marketability, peddle ice to eskimos…BUT I was never real hot in school and have no furthering education to speak of, that leads me to my point…
Back to my brothers and sisters, we were discussing my business and their pursuit of a career path, how theyd love to be able to just make money, do what I do. Thing is and not to generalize but from my perspective, you are either born with the skill or you can learn it but youll never be as good as a natural, for the most part. I know my brother, great kid, no business sense, get an education!
It is not an easy path (self made) it has its rewards but has its great stresses and let downs as well. I am not a 9-5 weekly check never make a million kind of guy. Most people seem to be, that comes natural to them.
So in no way regret your education, be proud of it, it may be what you should be doing or at least can use to eat. If you started 7+ years ago and have not had what youd deem great success that says something. Knowledge is power, knowing the industry, hard work and having that business sense would have lead to success already. I am not saying not to be a domainer, if anything continue to learn and use your education in the mean time. Jason if you have to move to get a job, move, if you have to drive 1 hr every day, drive but dont waste the knowledge you have, its power and that power can create income.
In this industry you cannot force success, youll strike out 1000 times but its that 1001 time that pays off.
@ Jason
I don’t like to share certain info out of respect for the domain buyers. Most of my domain sales are not prolific. I primarily sell domain names to other domain investors, and I am able to do so because I buy great domain names at very good prices.
Also, there are a number of people who read my blog that think articles about successful sales or development is just bragging.
This is off topic. I like Estibot for its stats, but dislike the appraisal system because it over appraises domains. Website Outlook and 7Zoom seem to be more accurate in terms of overall stats.
However, they don’t provide accurate appraisals on domains that are less established, and ones that haven’t received any traffic. Pricing domains at a fair price will help make a sale.
Even grocery stores know that over pricing their items will influence their revenue. In essence, economics reemerges as the key – supply and demand. When a good domain name sells, then it is no longer available, well unless another wants to pay a premium price.
The challenge is to set a reasonable price. Negotiating is easy when you find a buyer that wants a specific name. What if you find a person who isn’t that interested, but will make a purchase at the right price. Then, pricing domains right does matter.
@Jason, here’s successful domaining 101 Lesson 42
Step away from estibot, you must KNOW a value yourself when looking at a name, sure take in sales comparisons, traffic etc but ultimately YOU need to know what you can get and if its worth the investment, I gaur. you, if you cannot trust yourself to valuate you will never succeed.
Through years of experience and reading sales reports etc you will learn values ( reseller ).
For example, Elliot and I know a decent 2 word .com that is targeted, may not be a huge industry mind you and may have little traffic but can demand $XXXX reseller/enduser so a buy at $500 is good a buy at $XXXX is risky, at $5000 a pass. Also the market has changed said names would see low 5 figures years ago, times change so keep up ๐
Thank for the advice. As for education, I think you gain more than practical experience than in college. I spent a ton, maybe more than on I should educating myself.
I gained most of my writing skills through helping others become successful. I have written on many diverse subjects. My writing portfolio is vast.
There’s nothing wrong with getting an education. Many companies will pass over those who don’t have education. To me, experience matters most. When I had military/medical experience, I couldn’t get a job in the civilian sector. The hospital always looked to education.
When I obtain education, the companies want experience. I can write on virtually any subject, except more maybe chemical engineering. I possess great communication skills, and can build a rapport with mostly anyone.
However, my downfall is that I don’t know the right people. While I can produce quality work, I don’t have the right contacts. Business is mainly about networking. Having a good track record will build credibility.
You have to waste 6 figures on education when there are so many resources online and in the library. I gained more writing volume than in dedicating 14 years in various colleges.
At the end of the day you can relax. You made enough money to live a good life. I will have to stay up the entire night to figure out how to survive. There’s a perception that attending college makes one intelligent. I worked hard writing and researching many subjects to improve my intelligence.
Furthermore, I increased my knowledge through earning my Master’s degree. I learned all aspects of public policy, government, decision making, budgeting, economics, quantitative methods for managers, but that’s not going to pay my bills. When I graduate next Saturday, I’m in just a worse situation than I was when I last graduated with a BA in Film & Media Studies 3 years ago to this day.
I made a bad decision 2 years ago that basically set me back. Because I didn’t have my business cards with me, I didn’t have it when a famous writer and actress requested it in Los Angeles. She even worked for Disney.
I never had another opportunity like that again. It really deflated the conversation. While we discussed different aspects of the industry, I knew I made a mistake. I knew it before even approaching her, that I should have kept the business cards in my wallet. Because I was looking to mail them out with my writing samples, that poor decision doomed me.
When it comes to writing, I’m confident in my abilities. I’m also a good communicator. My downfall is networking. I know that I can’t depend on Twitter or Facebook to meet people. I need to go out to parties and conventions to meets others. Sadly enough, I don’t have the finances to do that. It will only get worse once the student loans are due this upcoming March.
I would take a job an hour away but can’t afford enough gas to drive 10 minutes away. I tried to move out of Los Angeles the last three years. The cost to move was too much, so I had to sign another expensive lease.
Obtaining education in college is not worth ruining your physical well-being. Financial issues lead to major stress. I do agree with you about striking out many times. I’ve been rejected many times when trying to sell domains. My approach has worked on a few occasions.
Effective decision making is the key to having a good life. Because when you make mistakes, it will cost you a ton of money. People that have money make more. Others that have less must pay interest to get loans to pay their bills on time. It’s a whole different life. the King of Domains, Frank proved that you don’t need college to become successful.
You need to communicate with the right people and have a vision for the future. Many people will lead you down the wrong path to keep you from succeeding. They would rather gain more than to lose anything. I don’t think business is natural. It is having the right luck to make the right deal. Some have good luck, while others have to work extremely hard to get mediocre results.
Thanks for your reply. Good luck on your success.
There are some minor sentence structure errors because I was using my phone to type the message. Thanks.
Buying good names suggest that you need to target the right market. “Charcoal Sticks” may be a common art tool that Barne & Nobles, Michaels and other art stores feature, but owning may not be lucrative.
You mentioned that it was a bad name. It appraises for $630. I put it on Bargain Domain with a reserve of $60 – no activity. Target, Walmart and Amazon sell charcoal sticks. Artists use them to produce charactures, as well. What would make the name bad – in terms of resale?
@ Jason
I don’t remember that name, but I just don’t see why someone would pay for it and then pay to develop it. Seems like it would be an expensive endeavor for a small potemtial reward. I don’t know enough about charcoal sticks to really judge though.
@Jason, best advice I can guve you is this, right now buy nothing!
Learn more, hunt more and when one comes along than buy and even its a cc you use to do it at least you know there is a margin.
I was thinking more along the lines of a company pointing it to their charcoal sticks. Most of the companies I mentioned probably don’t need to promote their charcoal sticks.
I’m actually hoping it doesn’t sell on Bargain Domains. I would like to shop it around as a domain that can be pointed to the charcoal sticks inventory in a website.
Check out Michaels website here for charcoal sticks.
When people search for charcoal sticks, then will show up. Then, a company such as Michaels can point it to their charcoal sticks supply. The art supply is popular on many art websites.
You think the domain can attract any interest for domain pointing? Or I’m wasting my time to even make $50 on the domain?
Actually the Michaels example may not be good for online purchases. They only sell the product in their physical locations. It only produces 390,000 Google results.
It has 95,200 average keyword searches. In addition, monthly popular searches are between 258-725.
Charcoal sticks are the best art tools to produce shading and three dimensional pictures. I have several drawing examples on my magic Writer blog that show the accuracy of the art tool.
I wouldn’t invest the time to develop the site because I have bigger ideas. For a small sale, I wouldn’t mind pushing this domain. Thanks.
@ Jason
If it doesn’t get type in traffic, what would the point of pointing it be?
It will only “show up” (in Google I presume you mean) if you develop it. If you just forward it, there will be nothing in Google since you aren’t building a website.
I think you are wasting your time, but I am sure I’ve done plenty of things where others thought I was wasting my time. The only person that can judge is yourself because it’s your time to waste or not waste.
@ Jason
You should probably learn more about domain forwarding and development. Your ideas may be beneficial for a domain name that gets a lot of traffic.
Thanks. I only assumed that because I’m hosting a few domains that actually show up at the top of the search. I don’t even have to put the domain name in with the extension. I don’t do much on them.
For example, if you input executive headshots in the search window, then the first that heads the searches is the .com instead of another company who provides the service. Just a thought. Thanks.
I haven’t purchased any domains for the past month. Since i had a few sitting in my box, I decided to clear my box out. However, I did purchase two domains. I’m not sure what you would think about the names, but I feel they may be marketable potential.
Let me know what you think. I looked at the purchase from a marketing standpoint. I thought about whether it would be worth developing these domains if I had a company that sold these products. While i don’t have the money to make purchases, I thought these were a good buy.
You mentioned before that good names don’t need any explanation. Would you consider these names to be good hand registered names? Thanks.
@Josh: You do that. Let me know what happens when you have no money to live on when you’re 85 years old. Start putting that money away now.
The true players don’t need to brag what they have or start using a sentence I this I that
Is this a dnforum thread lol on egos or Namepros ?
@Kevin and @Jim 2 of the good ones in this business and humble. Elliot is as well.
As far as franks sales congratulations. Great ROI. Watches for me personally don’t impress me one bit.
Thanks for the info. I stopped depending on Estibot a few months back. I use several domain appraisal systems to generate a ballpark figure. Estibot is effective when used to locate unregistered domains. I get what you’re suggesting on finding a name you know for certain will make a ROI.
I picked up two domains that I felt were a good buy. In addition, I called a few places this morning to offer One place seemed interested because they planned to expand their operation nationwide.
There’s no way in the world they would ever acquire the .com version because they are a small business as opposed to the big business that owns the .com. I called the owner and left a message. He normally works Mon-Fri. The mangers seemed cool. Selling a domain to the .com may help me to move the .us. We’ll see how it works out.
Cold calling is routine for me. I also offered a cake domain to a New Jersey owner, but they are currently on vacation. I constructed an e-mail using Elliot’s end-user sales approach. I’m totally comfortable with communicating a sale to an end-user.
Thanks for the lesson. I also have an idea on how to offset the upcoming domain increases without making a huge investment to register domains now. I crafted a quick article on it.
@blah blah,Its called sharing, not bragging and people who see it as such are generally jealous. I this and I that is right, would we have it that no one who has had success should ever share it? Grow up, the fact you attack np’s and dnf only means one thing, youre a reject ont hose forums or you belong to a private circle jerk forum, I BET its one or the other, thats how good I am ๐
@Mike, I do save ๐
@Josh sharing is great. Your tone triggered me the wrong way. But good luck and keep doing what made you a a good domainer
Take care
@ Josh, Your life is SOOO funny! You watched the GD commercial and bought a valuable domain, then got into domaining. My brother has been in the internet since its inception, but stayed away from domain investing, except for clients. He said at one time he wanted “toolbox” and regrets not buying it. It might have been taken. His website is <== that turns out to be valuable! I'm glad he has copyright and trademark on his company business!
Since reading Elliot's blog, I registered as a gift for my cousin, Storme. She likes crafts and things.
Here is the Mount Wilson cam with the current view pointing Southwest to Pasadena & Los Angeles: It's spectacular at night . . . must be one of the brightest spots on the planet! ๐
@Louise, it is funny, owned a name basically before I ever bought a new computer lol
But see to me that is perhaps another example of natural ability or thought, I am no tech orientated person, very bad with computers in fact.
I saw the industry and attacked it, I did not get caught up in legal discussions, is ICANN using funds appropriately and so on…not that there is anything wrong with that at all. It is just not how I am wired, I see things through one scope..the rest would be stretching it ๐
I have bought tons of names from guys just like your brother, those are usually the guys out west who have the good ones ๐
@JIM….It is wrong to say that since someone has a nice watch or car, that they are trying to impress somebody. I have over 10 fine watches, 5 of them purchased for between $6,000 to $18,000….I just like watches, and quality. I drive BMW’s and Porsches….again, I like speed, safety, and quality workmanship. None of what I possess is to impress anybody. I also practice what I am preaching….if I found out you have a sailboat, I would never say “Who is he trying to impress”?….I would think…”Great…he must like sailing”…now not to say some people are just trying to impress people….and it is true that materialistic and possessions do not ensure happiness….but my point is only that some people have certain things just because they like them, without trying to impress anyone. My 2 cents.
Whatever makes people happy that is fine. Racing sailboats you have to be member of a Yacht club which I am, San Diego Yacht Club.
There are 2 types of people who join San Diego Yacht Club, those who race sailboats and are into boating and those who do it for image because it’s an exclusive club to impress people. 50% of the people of the yacht club have never been into boating and don’t care to be. That is fine, I don’t care, whatever makes them happy.
Thanks, Jim