Throughout the year, I’ve had quite a few deals that did not come to fruition. Several simply didn’t get over the finish line for one reason or another, and quite a few died when the payment was due. With just a few weeks remaining in the year, now may be a good time to follow up if you want to try and close deals before the end of the year.
Of the remaining weeks in December, this is probably going to be the best week to get deals done. People are still focused on business before the end of the year, but there isn’t always as much urgency as the following two weeks. People may be more responsive to emails this week than they will be for the next two.
Mid-to-larger sized companies may still have marketing dollars to spend in 2022, and a domain name purchase could be a good way to use the remaining funds. On larger deals, it will be more difficult to get approvals after this week if multiple people need to sign off with time-off in full swing.
I sent several emails late last week and will send a few additional emails tomorrow. I am only going to email targeted people just one time. The email I send is pretty quick and to the point – I asked if they would like to purchase the domain name we had discussed at the price we had discussed before the end of the year. I sent a reply to the email thread where we originally conducted negotiations to remind them of where we left off.
Depending on your own situation and desire to close deals, you can keep the price the same, tell them it went up, or lower the price to try and lock in a deal. This week is probably the best time to send follow-ups to close a deal before the end of the year.
I’ve done outbound for small businesses because they’re usually easier to get a hold of and they’re typically more responsive. But what sites or tools do you use to find decision-makers and emails for larger companies? I’ve tried LinkedIn but it’s been very ineffective for me.
I find leads in a variety of ways:
– Google searches of the term to find other companies in that space.
– Whois searches for other extensions that are developed.
– Whois searches for similar domain names.
– Lead gen tool from
Is it possible for you to name some domain lead generation tools.
The only one I use on occasion is, which has a monthly fee. I have not been doing too much outbound marketing.