First Look at the Logo

Rick Schwartz recently announced he would open a domain brokerage. He later revealed he would be using, a domain name he has owned for many years. Over the past few days, Rick has been sharing more details about how will work:

At the moment, still shows a framed redirect to Rick’s website, but Rick shared what appears to be the logo for in a tweet this morning:

When Rick shared a general outline for the brokerage, I was under the impression that STUD would be used as a domain name related acronym. It’s quite likely that will still be the case. However, the imagery of a horse and horse shoe plays more into the equine relationship than domain names. The “we breed domain names” punny tagline connects the equine definition of the term with domain names.

Rick has been sharing more information about on Twitter, and he has also been answering questions.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Very interested to hear more about what he has planned. Always nice to have more options to promote and/or sell our properties. In addition, to more networking with others in the industry and hopefully some endusers … anxious to hear more about what Rick has planned. Thanks for sharing … Ira

  2. Hello Elliot,
    If people are looking to sell their Platform Assets, We are predicting Rick Schwartz’s undying dedication to supporting the Domain community, will draw in the Premium End Users.
    Why ?? Because He has EARNED their TRUSTED RESPECT .
    JAS 7/26/ 2021

  3. Hello Elliot,
    Perhaps, there may be other Logo based projections of Image, being projected Subliminally.
    One We are picking up on is both Race Horses and FERRARIS.
    Another observation here is that now Ricks answering a bit more Questions, People will experience his Creative Minds Brilliance. JAS. 7/26/2021

  4. yup yup yup

    Like all animals(esp the lions) in the wild, all they do is eat, shit, sleep, KILL for food and COPULATE(BREED)

    maybe humans too..

  5. Even if Stud turns out to be a dud, the subscription model is still a great way of just paying long overdue tribute payments to the king, which people should have been doing all these years anyway. This could be a great way to make up for that. I will not be participating, however.


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