How Enhancements to NameBio Will Help Domain Investors

When I am buying or selling a domain name and looking for comparable sales data, I use NameBio. There are nearly a quarter of a million of archived public domain name sales reported by most of the major resale marketplaces dating back to the 1990s listed in the NameBio database.

According to a press release I received this morning, NameBio was recently revamped and the website was upgraded. NameBio has been operated by Adam Strong of Strong, Inc., and the press release announced a new strategic alliance with Michael Sumner. Both Adam and Michael have extensive knowledge of the domain space, and that gives them insight about what will make NameBio most useful for users.

Some of the major enhancements that were made that will interest domain investors include the following:

  • Enhanced mobile experience
  • More accurate comparable sales on domain details pages
  • More than double the number of new sales added daily
  • Significantly better search capabilities
  • No login or account creation required.

I think the biggest improvement is the improved search capabilities. Visitors can search for comparable domain name sales by category instead of simply keyword. For instance, if I want to find a comparables for dog related domain names, I am easily able to see results for a variety of pet-related domain names. This will make the results data more robust and useful.

NameBio now has over $1.2 billion in archived reported sales in its database. Sales have been reported from marketplaces such as Sedo, Afternic,, NameJet, GoDaddy and others. In addition to the announced changes, I noticed that NameBio seems to be running more quickly.

I think NameBio’s enhancements will be beneficial to users.

Here’s the entire press release:

Adam Strong, President of Strong Inc., today announced a strategic alliance between and veteran domain investor and developer Michael Sumner to unveil a re-vamped and re-energized website. The historical domain name sales database at provides a trusted and reliable resource for domain name investors to research comparable domain name sales.

Improvements for users include an enhanced mobile experience, more accurate comparable sales on domain details pages, and more than double the number of new sales added daily. The addition of more data has grown the database to a number eclipsing more than $1 Billion in aftermarket domain name sales.

The new website gives users the ability to search for comparable sales by any one of 10 primary categories and more than 250 subcategories. “We’ve keyword parsed and categorized the entire historical data set. For example, a user trying to find comps for a gambling-related domain can now search the Games >> Gambling category rather than searching by keyword for dozens of related phrases, such as casino, poker, blackjack, slots, bingo, lottery, or jackpot.” stated Sumner. The “pattern search,” which allows users to quickly find domains matching popular investment categories such as LLL, NNN, and CVCV, was also improved.

“A reliable and trusted source for finding comparable sales is an important part of the domain name aftermarket ecosystem,” said Strong “ has been that source for nearly a decade. The new strategic alliance, site enhancements and larger data set continue to provide that superior source that the domain name aftermarket has come to expect.”

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn
  1. 10 results per page is not good.They should really increase them.
    option to select a date range is missing.(they have this option in previous version)
    option to search by venue is missing.(they have this option too in previous version)

    • Thanks for your feedback. We have found through observing use patterns and discussions with power users that most people were not filtering based on specific date ranges or venues. We eliminated these features to save space for mobile users. We welcome your suggestions on this matter, and if enough people request the filters be added back we’ll certainly consider it. Most of our users are primarily searching by keywords or categories looking for recent comparable sales.

      Please let me know how you use the site and we’ll see what we can do. For example, in what situation would you only want to see sales from a specific venue and no others? In what situation do you know, in advance, what date range the comps you’re looking for will fall into? Both of these filters increase the chance of getting no results back, and I don’t see much upside to them in terms of finding highly relevant sales comps.

      The old site displayed 14 results per page instead of 10. Again, we’ve cut down the number displayed in order to improve the experience on multiple platforms, including mobile. But we’re open to changing it if users don’t find it helpful.

    • Hello Michael,

      Thanks for the reply.I really appreciate your efforts for developing such a wonderful resource for domainers.

      Specific date range will help us quickly compare the trends from past and present(like how CVCV,LLL did 5years ago and how they are doing now etc.,)

      In case of venue option it will help us what an end user is paying,what a domainer is paying for the type of domains.

      Please try to increase the no:of results atleast for the desktop version to 25-50,that will save some time for us:)

    • I see what you’re saying regarding the date range. What we were planning to do is show high level stats for each search, like the average sale price, a graph of how the average sale is trending over time, etc. Would that suffice, or do you need the date range for other reasons too? Are there any other stats you would find useful, like highest price, median, or something like that?

      Regarding the venue, when you’re trying to identify end user sales vs. domainer sales, I’m not sure venue is the best approach. Take Sedo for example, they have a good mix of end users and domainers. NameJet leans towards domainers, but has plenty of end user buyers as well. Domain Name Sales would probably be almost exclusively end user purchases. But if you limit to one venue you won’t get the complete picture.

      I think the biggest distinguishing factor between end user sales and domainer sales is price, not venue. If you see a price well above average you can probably assume it was an end user buyer, and a price close to the average would probably indicate a domainer buyer (or a desperate seller). That’s another place the overall stats for a search will come in handy, if you know the average price for a result set you can quickly spot the anomalies.

      I’ll leave it open for discussion though, if a lot more people want the venue filter back we’ll consider it. We’ll also determine if any of the fields aren’t used very much, like if users aren’t using the domain length fields (or are only using the upper limit of it) we could replace it with venue. We’ll see how it goes and what kind of feedback we get.

      Thanks for your input.

    • Thanks. As of now we don’t have plans to allow for more than 100 results to be returned for a search, although this may be a paid product in the future. On average only 3% of users even make it to page nine of the search results, so this won’t be a limiting factor for most users.

      How many results would you find useful and actually page all the way through on a regular basis? Do you think you could get enough data from 100 results if you added more filters to limit your query and make it more precise?


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