Domain Investing is Hard Work

I saw a thread on NamePros from someone who seems to have had enough with investing in domain names: I Give Up! I am DONE!!! There were quite a few words of encouragement shared with the thread starter, and several people offered to assist if they could. This is one of the great things about NamePros. One thing people learn is that domain investing takes a lot of work, can become expensive, and there are no guarantees that the time or money spent will result in a successful experience.

There is no doubt in my mind that a person needs to spend a whole lot of time learning about a wide range of topics to be successful at domain investing. Some of these topics are directly related to domain names and domain name sales, but some are only partially connected to domain names. Some of the topics successful domain investors need to have a good grasp – or at least a basic level of knowledge include:

  • Domain name industry
  • Domain name lifecycle
  • Domain name aftermarket venues
  • Domain name valuation
  • Sales
  • Trademark and intellectual property law
  • Branding
  • Web development
  • Search engine optimization and ranking factors
  • Email marketing and email laws/regulations

While expert level knowledge about each of these topics is probably not required, some topics are more important than others. Some of these topics also go hand in hand with each other, making it easier to form a solid foundation.

Becoming an expert – or becoming knowledgeable about these topics is time consuming, and I don’t think someone can ever stop learning about them. There will always be new strategies, regulations, and venues, and the dynamic nature of domain name values is ever changing. Put simply, for someone to find success in the business or hobby of domain investing, it takes a considerable amount of time and dedication – in addition to a strong bankroll.

Forums such as NamePros and Domain Boardroom, platforms and venues such as NameBio, GoDaddy, and Twitter, learning courses like DN Academy, and news publications found on are all good places to learn about domain name investing. Domain investors need to learn what domain names sell, how to buy good quality domain names at fair prices, and how to sell these domain names profitably. It takes quite a bit of time and focus to accomplish this.

Domain investing can be what you make of it. Some people seem to be quick learners and have a knack for buying desirable domain names that sell quickly. Others have a more difficult time at this. Domain investing can be a fun hobby or even a great full time profession. People who want to start out and succeed in domain investing need to understand that domain investing profitably is hard work.

Everyone who has done well in this business has put in the time to learn its nuances. There is still plenty of money to be made to those who work hard, but there is no such thing as easy money.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. “Domain Investing is Hard Work”

    Ha…it is the easiest peesy peachy work in the world!!

    I just sold a domain at GD and already fast transferred last week but where is the money?

    What taking so long to get the money from GD?

    FYI- it is a 4L domain I bought 10$ years ago and sold for xxxx$$$ –easy peasy

    • What are your top 5 most valuable domain names, and the readers can decide how well your peesy peachy work is really paying off.

      • domain portfolio in there marijuana domains in there tons of offers and PPC revenue is about $50/mth that person zimmerman wants my domain the company at net version wants my dot com domain very bad.

        All domains bought less than 15$ and all registered using GD coupon at 99cent.

        Esay peasy…hand reg 200+ domains at $5.99 or less …..mind creativity.

        It is hard if you make it hard!!

        Damn my Starbucks and Tesla stocks are rocking!!

    Bought those at $20 each at Namepros from someone who claimed to be a “Domain Expert”-you know who you are(sucker)
    Am selling for 1.5 million USD each
    Since domains are like real estate, why not just list the price you bought the house and how much you want to sell , after all the info are public records,. There is no shame in making money!!

    More transparency!!

  3. Great topic Elliot! Totally agree. Ton of work. From landers, to marketing, to negotiation to knowing what to drop and when. I come from marketing and branding, and it certainly helps as i am probably ahead by a margin in those areas, hence i am more likely to frame sale better. For example, on all the names objective to have a catch description. Because of background in content marketing, i can make it more appealing to a buyer. Once thing i do, for period of times i will completely tune out of domaining. I might have a stretch when i am inactive (just dealing with inbound inquiries) and period when i am actively acquiring. I found it much more fulfilling for my self, as i am not always “ON” with domains. Then when i get a sale, i will go out and buy more. This sprints been working well for me so far. I find there are a lot of down time in domains, by having a full time job, domains is a good long term investment.

    I feel domains are like secondary college education, requires years of practice and education before things start to happen.

  4. Congratulations Elliot, you have nailed the whole shooting match of being a professional dealer/investor in domains.
    I started buying a few names in 2000 and built up a portfolio around 3000 of quality names like, discount wedding etc.
    I can say with hand on heart it has been the toughest learning curb for myself who left school at 14 with little education.
    There were many times I could have thrown in the towel ( especially when I dropped $55K on one sale but soon picked up after a $1.2M net on another.
    Those who genuinely believe it’s ‘easy peasy’ let me suggest you kick start your own e-book download and you will make more than you could ever trading domains. I actually have my own book being published this year 2020 called Domain Dropkicks that may sound satirical but does spell what you have to do to save your ass from becoming a domain casualty.
    This brilliant blog that Elliot Silver has published above covers the rules of the game.


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