When I saw the Facebook update from industry veteran Jay Westerdal, I went to check out the business operating on Phone.Systems. I dug a bit deeper, and I learned that the company that operates the Phone.Systems business also operates two other businesses on new gTLD domain names.
The company that operates Phone.Systems is called DIDWW. When I visited DIDWW.com to learn more about the company’s background, I saw a heading in its footer: “More innovations by DIDWW.” Underneath the heading, the company is promoting Phone.Systems, Local.Global, and Call.Center. Personally, I like Call.Center best and think that is the most intuitive name, but the three brand names make sense and work as new gTLD domain names. Each of these three brands seems to be targeting a different market.
I don’t really know much about DIDWW, but I thought it was interesting to see that this company is operating three businesses with new domain name extensions.
Thanks to Jay Westerdal for sharing this.
I’m sure this story will excite all of the new gTLD fans.
So these 3 domains are pretty generic terms. Well maybe not Local/Global but definitely “Call Center” and “Phone Systems”. How can they TM these domains? I thought this was not possible?
It’s always nice to see some of the new TLDs in use. The reality of it, is that the only way the new TLD’s are going to gain traction and value, is for more companies to develop them. This just shows that things are headed in the right direction for the change.