With an announced attendance of around 1,400, it sure seems like most people in the domain investment space are attending NamesCon this week. It is very likely, however, that there are many more people involved in the business of domain investing who could not make it to the conference. I thought I would share a few tips on how to make the most of NamesCon if you couldn’t attend in person.
I would first have a look at the NamesCon agenda. As you can see, it is packed full of seminars and panels covering all sorts of domain industry topics. Speakers from different segments of the domain investment business are participating in panels and keynotes. Highlight the panels and sessions that would have been of interest had you been able to attend.
Once you have compiled a list of the sessions that you would find interesting, reach out to some of the panelists and companies to ask if they would be willing to share any information from their session. Explain why you couldn’t attend and let them know you would appreciate any knowledge they could pass on to you. It might also be a good idea to ask if they had a presentation or slides you could look at if that was readily available.
Chances are good that the response rate from individuals might not be great, but if a few people share their insight with you, it will be beneficial. There are many people in the industry who are happy to share their knowledge, and reaching out personally may yield good results for you.
One thing to keep in mind is that most people attending the conference will not have time to respond during the conference and the couple of days following the conference. It is probably a good idea to wait for a week or so before reaching out. Be sure to mention their conference session since many people may not know why you are reaching out.
Attending NamesCon is a great way to meet domain investors and companies operating in this business. I know that many people have other jobs or obligations that preclude them from attending the conference. If you couldn’t make it this year, perhaps reaching out to presenters will give you additional knowledge. Maybe you will be able to make it to Las Vegas next year for NamesCon.
Does anyone know how much AlternativeFacts.com is worth?
ask Trump
The cost of AlternativeFacts.com is likely a Serious BIG LEAGUE price tag
So how much would you ask for it?