Did Apple Buy Other Cloud Names from Xcerion, Too?

It appears that Apple’s reported purchase of iCloud.com for $4,500,000 from Xcerion ย has been confirmed by All Things Digital in a report today. Assuming it’s confirmed by the company, possibly in a SEC notification, it will likely be ranked the #1 domain sale of 2011… unless there is more to the reported sale than just iCloud.com.

Reading about the sale made me interested in seeing if Xcerion owns other cloud-related domain names, aside from CloudMe.com, which is what the company intends to rebrand itself as. If Xcerion ย does own other cloud names, perhaps Apple bought those, too., If Apple did buy more than just iCloud.com, it probably won’t be reported as a single domain sale.

From my research, it appears that Xcerion also owns these domain names:

I don’t know if Apple purchased any of these additional names, but it would seem that iCloudApps.com might be a name they would want, too. Additionally, iCloud.org and iCloud.us would make nice throw-ins as well if they were available. iCloudMusic.com would certainly seem to be a name of interest, as would iCloudNews.com. All of these names appear to still be owned by Xcerion, as does iCloud.com.

Does Apple need any of these extra domain names? I can’t speculate without knowing what iCloud.com will be, but it would seem unlikely that Xcerion would need them in light of rebranding, and it would seem silly that Apple wouldn’t try to get all of these domain names as part of the main deal. There are likely additional iCloud domain names owned by Xcerion that I didn’t notice.

I guess we’ll find out soon enough exactly what Apple bought.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. “biggest waste of cash ever IMO”

    A domainer that spends all day commenting in the blog section of domain blogs, and making posts criticizing people for their success….. now criticizing Apple, one of the largest, most successful tech companies in the world for securing the premium domain name for their multi-billion dollar product ?

    Pretty sad, Mr. “Domain Lords.” You should go outside more.

    Obviously a 100% necessary purchase for apple, Xcerion must be celebrating.

    • @ Pretty Sad

      My bet is it will be looked at as a very good deal by both companies. Apple gets the names it wants/needs for a big launch and Xcerion gets millions of dollars, and it just needs to rebrand a product/service.

  2. not a ‘domainer’
    domainers have no clue
    domain lords are virtual land lords
    it takes a few minutes to spew my pearls of wisdom
    spent most of day with one of my GF’s
    hottest 22 yr old you will ever see
    smoking hot
    I make a fortune off domain rentals everyday
    so lots of ‘free time’
    I spent a little time each month buying up more assets
    others now develop
    others now lease
    I go to lunch with my hot 18 to 22 yr old GF’s
    shoot the shit
    and yeah, I consider it an insult to call me a ‘domainer’
    domain lords are not domainers
    they own valuable internet assets
    they have them developed
    they have clients that RENT
    the only DOMAIN LORDS here is me
    the rest of you think you are doing something

  3. Xcerion seems to have been pretty serious about using the Icloud brand up until now. Besides the generic TLDs, they even own the name in extensions such as .is and .ph and propably loads more.

  4. Xcerion is doing great

    @Domain Lords

    who you think you are .. ?
    one’s you said gf’s i knew you are a gay period!
    beside Pretty Sad is totally right securing there multi-billion product + every one know who is Apple right lord ?
    and we would be shamed if you call your self a
    domainer Trust Me ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. Yep got a ton of GF’s
    Everyone I met when they were 18 to 21
    A couple now 22 and 23
    They get on the stick between 18 and 21
    I blow them out by 25
    I’ll never say I’m a ‘domainer’
    I don’t live in my mom’s basement
    That’s the normal qualifier for a ‘domainer’
    I take advantage of domainers all day
    Buy from them all the time
    Dummies 99% of them
    They don’t know what they have
    Now ‘developers’ and ‘developers that lease’
    Ok, they have a clue, as long as they don’t sell, unless it’s for a huge 100M+ payday
    The rest of the people playing on the net, I give them no respect, since they’re really NO BODIES IMO
    So what, that’s my opinion
    I can assure you I’m not ‘gay’
    In fact I’m know for breaking jaws over dumb shit like that
    So I hope I meet you one day
    Call me gay
    Then touch me
    You will be in intensive care with a wired jaw like that
    3 belts in martial arts and yeah BAD TO THE BONE
    I kick ass
    I’m not gay
    I got more GF’s than anyone I know
    I meet rock stars, they see how I roll, they say they wanna be me when they ‘grow up’

  6. Dude you’re as gay as there is
    You see your moronic site
    a twitter bird
    absolute FAGGOT
    Now, please
    TOUCH ME when I meet you
    I’ll have a witness
    Then I brake your jaw
    like that faggot
    fuck with me
    fits you to a tee moron
    sell your crap to schwatz
    he likes your low grade trash
    you own one keyword with a cpc over 20 bucks?
    so STFU
    moron, that’s the .com you need

  7. your Talking to egyptian Punk!

    i got something for you but as a domainer and a broker


    that name mint to be yours dont you think also a lot of traffic to you and your lords ๐Ÿ˜€ .. And Trust me you don’t wanna see Me .. one last thing respect people and they will do the same or Else it’s that easy! ,
    you giving your opinion good!
    but don’t insult domainers Lord ass! . And trust me you need to visit a doctor ๐Ÿ™‚ as fast as possible .. i really hope you get a clean normal life one day!

  8. Punk ,

    really ? Gay .. i am the one who Talk about many gif’s
    and 22 and blow them at BLABLaBLa ..!!

    you own one keyword with a cpc over 20 bucks?

    Here you go :


    you blind fuck

    Also i dont have to Answer you
    ( who on EARTH is you anyways ? )

    one last thing .. i am the portfolio Manager you fool there is a great invention .. we call it “whois”

    i am not gonna waste more Time with you Loser!

    Elliot Silver .. Give me one reason why that sucker Not banned yet ? what the hell you waiting for ? he is insulting every one! don’t care his drunk or Crazy … do something

  9. freedom of speech biatch
    since you’re a maggot fruit fly from egypt
    you don’t have freedom of speech
    oh the domain lord said
    if you touch me if I ever meet you I break your jaw
    yeah that’s worthy of a ‘ban’
    you spoke SMACK about me and I SMACKED u like the biatch you are are punk
    oh, you do not have broker rights to dumb.com

    go ask eric


    that’s who owns the stuff you have on your site

    they’re not brokering with you LIAR

    you’re a fake and a fraud and a punk

    too bad you’re not USA

    I’d go to one of those dumb domain events just to ‘meet’ you

    let you say shit, let you start the fight


    with a witness

    So no crime

    Yeah, mess with me


    Mailing Address:
    Impulse Communications, Inc.
    14525 SW Millikan #56742
    Beaverton, OREGON 97005-2343
    Email: eric@impulsecorp.com.
    Phone: 401-789-0885

    If you need to send something using any method other than the Post Office (like Fedex or UPS) use this address:
    15500 SW Jay St. #56742
    Beaverton, OR 97006

  10. We got everything you Freak . and i am broking The names if um not and scam like you said am i going to comment on a well known blog Punk , but trust me i am coming to the us i swear it and i would love to see you really .. and freedom of speech don’t give you the right to insult people you ass hole!

    oh you don’t remember your words about domainers and rick and Domainer meetings and me ? no no no! you have a real big Problem young man i bit you are 12 or some..

  11. you don’t own findquotes.com

    it’s a lame impulse site you are lying about brokering on

    wow, they have 1K to 3K on that crap


    no exacts


    and you don’t own it


    I make 5K to 10K a MONTH on minor names

    residual income

    and you showing me crap worth 3K you don’t own?


    go bury your head in the filthy sand of egypt

    dirtiest cesspool of a country there is IMO

    fits you to a tee

    a good place to stick all the muslims

    the sands of egypt

    let them kill each other over allah over there


  12. ู…ุต ุจู„ุฏูŠ ุฏูŠูƒ ุงู„ุญุฒู…ุฉ ุงู„ุฎุงุตุฉ ุจูƒ ุงู„ุฏุงุนุฑ
    ูŠู…ูƒู† ุงู„ู„ู‡ ุถุฑุจุฉ ู„ูŠ

  13. u wanna hear it
    I got it on a .wav file
    it’s what I say to arab punks like you

    ู…ุต ุจู„ุฏูŠ ุฏูŠูƒ ุฃู†ุช ุณุฎูŠู ู„ูˆุทูŠ
    ูŠู…ูƒู† ุงู„ู„ู‡ ุถุฑุจุฉ ู„ูŠ

  14. Domain Lords – Actually, Michael is a broker for my domains. He is not an exclusive broker, but other than my listings on sedo.com and afternic.com I don’t have any other brokers. Michael has not made any sales for me so far, but he has brought me a few offers, so that is something at least.

    You may not like my portfolio of domains, but I consistently sell around $300,000 worth of my domains a year (see
    http://www.impulsecorp.com/domain-names-i-recently-sold-%E2%80%93-january-2011 for some of my recent sales) so end users tend to like them, even if a domainer like yourself doesn’t. Just in the past month I sold an additional $300,000 worth of domains, not listed on my blog yet.

  15. Yes, one of the offers Michael got for me was $3.75 million for all my 9000 domains. I was tempted to take it even though it was low, but decided not to. Still, any offer is better than no offers. If I were desperate for cash I might have taken it, but right now I don’t need cash since I have sold around $600,000 in domains in the past 6 months.

  16. And you are the only Man who i stuck with : D
    Prices are real aw! but sooner or letter Man um doing my best .. beside Lets Chat in Privet End of Story ๐Ÿ™‚

    @ BullS i see that on your site :

    $$ BullShitWebsites.com is worth more than Facebook.

    just wanna say congrats ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. but Price need to be mentioned yo! ๐Ÿ˜€
    um stuck with your Names ๐Ÿ˜‰
    but also The market is down and Prices are high for the clients ๐Ÿ™‚
    Beside Sedo and Afternic are market Places , anyhow sooner or later i will make a good one for you

    @BullS I see this on your site :

    $$ BullShitWebsites.com is worth more than Facebook.

    just wanna say congrats ๐Ÿ˜€

  18. @ eric B

    look dude, no offense to the stuff on your site, generic keywords, some ok for low end cpc potential traffic stuff

    but the issue I had isn’t with you, it’s with the dude attacking me who I kicked his butt, then he’s crying I should be banned

    anyway, didn’t really look at much of your inventory, but some ‘keywords’

    not for business development as to high value cpc terms

    so it’s not something that ‘impresses’ me

    and if they’re generating 300K or 600K a year for you, great you can pay the reg fees then on 9K names

    it looks fishy, hidden moniker whois with an arab with less then 2 years of time on his domain saying he’s ‘brokering’ them

    anyway, good luck with the keywords

    My advise take the 3.5M

    then learn how to invest and develop in high end cpc terms

    the cpc costs are only going higher now

    3K lawyers in some markets and only 10 can be page one

    so do the math

    they’re all trying to break into high ppc rotation and the only company DOING it over and over is us

    and it’s done with professional keyword terms

    so, sell the whole lot (my advice)

    then reinvest into the professional terms that lawyers and doctors and realtors have to use to get a foot in the ppc rotation

    anyone really doing what I do for a living understands

    it’s almost impossible to get a new person into a rotation with 300 lawyers or doctors all in line BUYING THE TERM

    yet, I get my clients right to the top

    so yeah, I’m bragging

    and I”m saying

    no one can do what we do

    NO ONE

    and if anyone has high end professional terms

    we buy all day

    unfortunately, what you have is not high value cpc terms

    but I’m sure some like stuff like dumb or orgasm

    not us

    but yeah, someone may throw money on it

    the find it crap

    yeah, it’s priced to sell

    don’t have time to sort through all your stuff

    I think you had a nice cpc term on investments?

    other than that

    didn’t really see much

    maybe a divorce term too

    if that was you

    the rest

    nothing with big cpc terms

    in case you haven’t heard GOOGLE KILLED ALL LOCAL SEO with the big tweak

    look up lawyer GEO

    what you see

    5 ppc ads and 2 maps

    maps are being stuck now high if they associate to ppc budgets

    yeah, some are in still without ppc

    but they’re DROPPING fast

    so, that being said, the big google tweak was to end organic seo in first view for big money cpc terms

    so now the game is control of first view by control of the keywords to get high rotation ppc

    good luck

    enough free advice here

  19. @ Lords

    Again, what are some of these high value domain names you own (since you buy them all day long)?

    I’m seeing a lot of smoke blown (and lots of criticism of others, including myself) but you aren’t supporting any of what you are saying about yourself and/or whomever you represent.

  20. kicked what when i ignore you that doesn’t mean you did! and i am not crying but you insult every one! And Me and about Gay ( yes it’s a Fact ) google it! ( Along with People who got a pic kissing A girl ๐Ÿ˜€ )

    That’s all beside i just ignored you and really want it!

  21. -You can have the best websites in the freaking world but it is useless if people got no money to buy.

    -You are not saving any money even you buy stuffs at a big discount IF YOU don’t NEED them– so what the point!!

    -All of the content of the websites are plagiarize redundant content

    -All Websites are useless to 99% of the people in Africa,America, in Muslim Countries when their #1 priority is FOOD.

    -last but not least—spending time on the internet is a freaking waste of time.

    GTG– time to take care of my marijuana farm

    BullS aka MarijuanaGuy

  22. @ domainlords.net (:) LOL )

    I’ve never heard so much BULLSH*T in all my life.

    My guess.

    23yrs old
    never had any GF’s
    Live with your mama
    And aing got a real job
    Own a 100 shitty domains and cant even pay reg fee.

    If you want us o shut up, show us some of these magical domains you own.

    If you dont this just proves your full of sh*t#

    Get a grip.

  23. @el

    u wanna see what the Lords control

    read the blog

    a few of the posts are about recent acquisitions

    one post listed 30+ domains

    all geolawyer stuff

    dui is not a major law term

    duilawyer/attorney is

    geodui/dwi/lawyer/attorney is

    you aren’t qualified to even comment on high valued cpc terms

    you’re a domainer

    domainers do zero high cpc term development

    domainers think only a .com is worth developing

    a developer can take a hyphen or a .net or even a .org and even a .biz and if it’s the right high cpc term

    make a ton of money off of it

    domainers have no clue


    the only ones posting here that can take a name most of you would never get, and find a 5K or 10K monthly client for it is THE LORDS

    that’s why we’re ‘DOMAIN LORDS’ and you all are ‘domainers’

    so yeah, we acquire stuff all day

    in law alone we have 500+ domains

    most are geokeywrods where the term is 40 to 120 bucks CPC

    the ones we have clients on pay 2500 to 25K a month on

    we hold stuff we want 250K a month on

    so read the site, I see you erased your question

    look at the acquisitions posts

    it shows our buying patterns

    20 here
    30 there

    whenever a good lot of legal geo’s comes up, we’re usually the top bidder

    same with keywords

    anyway, in law lawyer and attorney are actually minor cpc terms

    geo lawyer is usually 10 to 20 bucks

    it’s the niches

    that are big bucks




    in some geos’ it’s over 100 bucks now

    anyway, we got enough keywords in law to eventually have 6K world wide clients

    20 or so specialists in 300 top cities around the world

    we have tons of .com’s and nets and orgs and even biz and yep mobi

    hold a few info

    hold some us

    and law isn’t our only niche

    same in auto

    same in insurance

    same in medical

    so if it’s a high cpc term for personals

    we own a ton of virtual real estate in it

    and we’re the only ones with a business model showing huge revenue per name


    enough said

    you can read our blog to see what we acquired recently

    big money cpc terms

    every one

  24. You want make money on the net)

    1) Built Your Keyword String (150 to 500 dot com domains)
    2) Own your Server.
    3) get some Ingenering Partner (1 meby 2)
    4) Built & Own all program in your computer.
    5) Use Your computer only for your businesses and
    your program accesses (no e-mail)
    6) Take another computer & IP-address for the rest
    EX: search,e-mail, games, all over like anyBody.

    7))) Control your Univer


  25. @ BullS

    Well it’s not about buying nor selling you know .. Also you can monetize Your site ๐Ÿ™‚

    “All Websites are useless to 99% of the people in Africa,America, in Muslim Countries when their #1 priority is FOOD. ”

    Well i am egyptian Not Arab Period! , Also Many Seek for food and food only but not all of us .. More than 70% use the internet and we have many great websites
    ( movies -software’s- T.v shows ..Etc)

    And good luck with your farm! you have Entered a Really shity way be Careful .. Also think about your brain And health not just jail ๐Ÿ™‚


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