Daily Poll: What is Zoyo.com Worth?

I wrote about the Zoyo.com UDRP yesterday. I think the panelist made a good decision, especially with the domain registrant not responding to the UDRP.

According to NameBio, the Zoyo.com domain name sold in 2008 for $9,292. The domain registrant reportedly offered to sell the domain name to the complainant for $10,000.

In the comment section of yesterday’s article, there was some discussion about the value of the domain name. I thought I would ask readers what they think the value of Zoyo.com is.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. The fact that there is a company willing to file a UDRP which can cost up to $5K in filing and lawyer fees, makes the offer from the registrant of $10K more than fair. But, I’d seek $15K minimum moving forward. It appears that the registrant was just trying to break even on the purchase price.

  2. Well do see some of my two cents in yesterday’s thread then:


    And this (by Rick S. about lane.com recently) certainly bears repeating here:

    “For reference:


    “Rick Schwartz says

    NOVEMBER 4, 2018 AT 8:56 AM

    I don’t even like the domain.
    I don’t see the value that others see in it other than it’s 4 letters and a word.
    I think FastLane or ExpressLane would have more meaning, would be more desirable and would be more valuable. But good luck to all bidders.”

    Zoyo is not even a word.”

    • John- Rick S. might not like ZOYO.com and might not see any value, GREAT!
      There are 8 Billion people on this planet. ZOYO.com is a fantastic brandable….

      ZOHO.com 1.1BILLION $ crm company
      ZOZO.com 3.6BILLION $ clothing company owner is like top 10 richest person in Japan!! Guy is going to fly on SpaceX BFR rocket…

      What is the potential of ZOYO.com in the right hands?? I am thinking big..

      The owner of ZOYO.com should and I urge him if he is reading this to add another 0 to his original 10k price. WHY NOT?? MAYBE two zeros! WHY NOT???
      The prospect complained at 10k and filled UDRP, they will complain at 100k and will complain at 1mill too.

      That’s my 2 cents for today.

      • Alex, two things:

        1. Rick did not comment about Zoyo.com. I am quoting his statement about Lane.com to illustrate a point.

        2. I have decided to accept your argument about Zoyo.com, even though I personally do not like this domain. You don’t see that often, and it takes a really big man to be willing and able to do that, so I guess I must be a really big man. Reluctantly, I accept that this domain is great as a “brandable” in terms of what might appeal to people for end user success, though it is still a gamble and I would never drop more than low $x,xxx as a domain investor hoping to resell it later myself unless there was certain knowledge it could easily be flipped for much more if desired.

  3. I would say there are two important ways to look at this domain:

    1. Intrinsic reasonably expected commercial value in general based on the quality of the name without regard to specific commercial entities.

    2. Circumstantial value only based on unpredictable “fortuity” relating to the existence of brand owners who might want it badly enough. A very dicey game.

  4. I disagree with John, When it comes to prononceable 4L that sound good and easy spelling their are a limited number of them.
    John I like Rick too but you sound like a kid “my mommy (rick) says blah blah and agrees with me so I must be right”.
    Also for how many years will you mention your 3 keyword domain name worth 9 figures and keep us in suspense of what it could be. give us a hint:)

    Also””Lane” is far more valuable than “fastlane” if it is utilized to its potential imo.

    Please don’t take my words the wrong way john but you seem to state your opinions as fact just because Rick agrees with you or vice versa.

    • “that sound good and easy spelling their are a limited number of them.”

      Hate how it sounds actually, and it’s not always going to seem easy to spell until people have seen it.

      “John I like Rick too but you sound like a kid “my mommy (rick) says blah blah and agrees with me so I must be right”.”

      That is like a partisan politics talking point, but is certainly not true. I even gave Rick a good old hard time about one of his domains recently when he invited “appraisals.” And I addressed that to Elliot in his Zoyo.com thread from yesterday, too, so you can read what I said to him there.

      “Also for how many years will you mention your 3 keyword domain name worth 9 figures and keep us in suspense of what it could be. give us a hint:)”

      LOL, good to be noticed sometimes. You’re really a well known person using a different screen name today, ay? 😉 But to answer your question, yes that’s a fair point and I wish I felt at liberty to do so, but it’s unlikely I will anytime soon. If I ever felt like it didn’t matter to me anymore then I would.

      “Also””Lane” is far more valuable than “fastlane” if it is utilized to its potential imo.”

      No, you’re wrong and Rick is right, and I’m right. And in fact, go see the Lane.com thread where I specifically said I was going to write something similar there BEFORE Rick did.

      “Please don’t take my words the wrong way john but you seem to state your opinions as fact just because Rick agrees with you or vice versa.”

      Covered above. Anytime a good person to quote says anything good, however, it’s good to mention it. This domain is only worth anything as an expensive lottery ticket, a quick flip to a greater fool, or for those seeking to cash in on a brand owner. Now admittedly it would probably be easy to flip it for four figures right now merely because of fortuitous circumstances, but that doesn’t make it a good or desirable name in itself by any means.

  5. Speaking of quoting Rick, by the way:

    Whereas the Bible has two books known as 1 Kings and 2 Kings, when quoting Rick in the future it can be sourced as “1 King, 2 King, 3 King…” and so forth. And I’ll bet the recent would-be usurper is very much in the red with the domain biz itself despite all the sales reports. 😀

  6. And it just occurred to me this is also a perfect time and place to quote another industry “luminary” who has posted lately on the important subject of comparative domain lengths and values. For those who can’t or won’t discard their cognitive or propaganda shackles, read what Morgan Linton wrote here:


    Everyone benefits when people are honest about this, but everyone is harmed by those who push the denial for short-sighted ends (including themselves).


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