Daily Poll: Do You Buy Trend Domain Names?

For better or worse, I have never been a big buyer of trend domain names. I pretty much missed out on the 3D, VR, 7n/8n, marijuana, and crypto domain name trends. I am sure there have been other trends over the years that I am not thinking about. I occasionally buy “trendy” domain names when I think they have value beyond their trendworthiness, but it is not something I regularly do.

I know quite a few people that have bought and sold some great domain names that would be considered trendy. Some were super valuable before they were trendy and others were hand registrations that turned into valuable sales.

Today’s poll asks if you buy trend domain names. No need (please don’t) share specific examples, but you are welcome to share some general thoughts on why or why not.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. I did well with very high ROI for these “trend” domain names:
    Cloud — registered over 50 in 2007 — and at least 30 were acquired by end-users
    Crypto, Coin, Eth….

    Not well with these:

    note: all registrations for above were in .com

  2. Also sold some crypto-related names (most registration fee) over the past few months, including:

    BitcoinGold.org – $20,000
    LitecoinGold.org – $3,490
    CoinSmart.co.uk – $850
    CryptoCenter.eu – $500
    TheCoin.co.uk – £2,000
    BlockchainTools.org – $800

    I wouldn’t call it a trend – it’s most likely here to stay for quite some time.

  3. I hand regged many marijuana domains in 2010 and sold many and keeping the best for development use

    Marijuana Domains will be in hot demand when that AG Jeff Session gets fired which will be very soon. Old backward ideologies and not in tune with the 21st century ideas where 80% of the folks approved marijuana use.

  4. Got some drone-related ones, voice command-related and spaceflight companies. Hopefully as things develop on all these fronts I can flip some.

  5. 3D Printing is not a “trend.”

    To malign it as a trend, a mistake.

    Unfortunately, a popular pastime of domainers that miss out on getting the best names of a burgeoning technology, is to devalue and disregard names owned by others.


    Berkshire Hathaway and Warren Buffett have invested upwards of $60 Billion dollars in Metal 3D Printing technology.

    There are few on earth that can match the investing acumen of Warren Buffett. He would bet invest $60 Billion dollars on a trend.

    Robert McLean

  6. This may be a little off topic but it could be considered a trendy domain comment I suppose. I have purchased about a dozen new URL domains if we can call him that. They have always made sense to me but obviously they are not very popular. I want to share a story that some might find interesting. Last night my wife went out for a drink and music, well the bar band was a 70s cover band called Take Out. Their logo is a big red circle with the words Take Out reversed in white … Next to their logo their long domain name http://www.thebandtakeout.com is printed in black on their banner. Long story short I ended up talking to the band leader showing him that TakeOut.Band was available for 3.88

  7. This may be a little off topic but it could be considered a trendy domain comment I suppose. I have purchased about a dozen new URL domains if we can call him that. They have always made sense to me but obviously they are not very popular. I want to share a story that some might find interesting. Last night my wife and I went out for a drink & some music,.. the bar band was a 70s cover band called Take Out. Their logo is a big red circle with the words Take Out reversed in white … Next to their logo their long domain name http://www.thebandtakeout.com is printed in black on their banner. Long story short I ended up talking to the band leader showing him that TakeOut.Band was available for 3.88 yr. and sharing a few choice reasons for possibley re-branding .. explaining forwarding current domain etc. ya know? No WAY man! This guy all of a sudden got impatient assuming I was trying to sell him something?.. lol.. he fired off a few iron clad reasons why this was not something he would even consider and then blew me off like a used groupie .. my Take Away? (a better name imo or Out Take) well other than not to cast my pearls before swine and ego trumps reason… even dirt cheap New URL’s that would make total good sense (a cool domain for a band come on!) could prove to be a hard sale even giving the away!. I will hang on to my animal.place but investing in hese trendy domains is not for me.


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