Coronavirus Spreading: on Sedo

At the World Health Assembly held recently in Geneva, Switzerland, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned that a SARS-like virus is a major health threat. According to WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan, “The novel coronavirus is a threat to the entire world.”

I was curious about who owns, because if the world reaction to this coronavirus is similar in scale to SARS, it is probably going to be worth quite a bit of money. Pharmaceutical companies will produce preventative care and post-infection drugs, natural cure companies will share remedies, and others will want to share information about the coronavirus. All of this means that relevant domain names will have value as a significant amount of money will be spent on marketing and sales.

Not surprisingly, Frank Schilling’s Name Administration owns, and the domain name is parked at Internet Traffic. Name Administration has owned since at least 2007, according to the earliest recorded  Whois archive.

The domain name is also listed for sale at Sedo. Surprisingly, the domain name is listed with a buy it now price of just $13,800, which I think is pretty low.

Although I think the price is cheap for a domain name with its potential, it’s not the type of name I’d personally speculate on and purchase. In order to get my ROI, I’d have to price it much higher while hoping that this coronavirus becomes an even bigger story.

I think we’ll probably either see this name on a DNJournal sales report in the near future, or the Name Administration will re-price it considering the potential. Domain prices are dynamic, and news of an epidemic like this can rapidly increase the value of an exact match domain name.

BTW, please don’t send me your newly hand registered “” domain names asking if they’re worth anything or if I want to buy them. The answers are no and no.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


    • How much is worth?
      Are you interested in buying it?
      If so, I will hand reg it and sell it to you. (teasing)

      Side note, it drives me crazy when someone will hand reg a worthless domain within the past couple days and email me offering it for $ 1,000.

  1. With 40-something cases, the majority in Dubai/Middle East, it’s hardly spreading and definitely not an epidemic. I would not be surprised if Sedo sent out an APB calling all domainers to bid, however.

  2. Funny … How we wish something bad .. In order to make some pocket change .. Get a life .. Wish you have better way to write about.

    “Although I think the price is cheap for a domain name with its potential, it’s not the type of name I’d personally speculate on and purchase. In order to get my ROI, I’d have to price it much higher while hoping that this coronavirus becomes an even bigger story.”

  3. I am not a medical professional however, The Coronavirus is easily spread between people with fatal consequences.

    In fact the virus has even been patented by Dutch Scientists.

    The United Nations’ World Health Organization, has declared it a global threat.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47008514,d.dmg&fp=6351dcf9fc2f288b&biw=1024&bih=458

    • If you patent a virus which then goes onto kill lots of people, are you also responsible for the liabilities created thus?

      Given that since one company has the patent on the virus anyone making an anti-viral for that would have to use the original virus and thus be liable for patent payments or get sued?

      And they say domain investors are bad, how about pharma companies who actually benefit from a strain of virus that is deadly to humans?

  4. The World Health Organization gave it a new name yesterday:

    The World Health Organization (WHO) says that the deadly novel coronavirus (NCoV) has been renamed as the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV).


    The new designation for the novel coronavirus was given by the Coronavirus Study Group of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses to provide uniformity and facilitate communication about the disease, WHO said in a press release on Tuesday.

  5. Frank Schilling should develop to educate people about this otherwise sell it to a person with an agreement that it’ll be built and not just bought to resell.

  6. I dont believe in WHO …they ever bumped SARS to the great world disaster to make super profit for some big medical companies …so to me costs 9 bucks


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