Frank Schilling

Apple Registers Apple.Car Domain Name

According to Whois records  at DomainTools, it looks like Apple has registered the Apple.Car domain name. The domain name has a creation date of December 9, 2015, but it appears the company took possession of it just yesterday.


The .Car domain extension is operated in a partnership between the XYZ (Daniel Negari’s company) and Uniregistry (Frank Schilling’s company). The partnership also operates the .Cars and .Auto domain name extensions. It looks like Apple also secured the Apple.Cars and Apple.Auto domain names as well.

As of right now, Apple.Car, Apple.Cars, and Apple.Auto

2016 NamesCon Sponsor Spotlight on Uniregistry

This morning’s NamesCon sponsor spotlight is on Uniregistry. Vern Jurovich, Chief Operating Officer at Uniregistry, answered some questions about the company and the upcoming NamesCon domain industry conference.

NamesCon 2016 will take place at the Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas from January 10-13, 2016. Over 800 attendees have registered to attend, and 1,000 attendees are expected.

If you have any questions about Uniregistry, you are welcome to leave them for Vern in the comment section.

What is your company’s mandate, what sets you apart?

To help build the

How Retailers are Using .BlackFriday Domain Names

Uniregistry launched its .BlackFriday new gTLD domain extension in July of 2014. According to, there are currently a bit more than  12,000 .BlackFriday domain names registered.

I wanted to see if and how major retailers are using .BlackFriday domain names. I looked at the exact match .BlackFriday domain names for 25 of the top 100 retailers, according to the National Retail Federation’s Top 100 Retailers 2015 list. To select the retailers that have an online presence and would be expected to have Black Friday deals, I used my judgment to create this list from the larger list of 100 retailers, eliminating brands like Jack in the Box and Wegman’s.

Here is a list of exact match .BlackFriday domain names for 25 major retailers and how each is being used:

Domain Investor Words to Live By

Frank Schilling posted this gem on Today: “Take risks, and don’t be afraid. You’ve got to speculate to accumulate”

As a domain investor, I live by this quote. I am always taking risks on purchases with the hope that they pay off. With each acquisition and sale I make, I increase my knowledge to help guide me on future deals.

If you invest in domain names, you need to continue to buy domain names that you believe you can either monetize or sell for more than you paid. There is a lot of risk when it comes to buying domain names, especially when you are paying more than the annual registration fee. Being fearful is harmful to your business. Taking calculated risks is essential in making deals.

Every day, I am taking risks when I make offers, bid on auctions, and negotiate deals. You can’t be afraid to pull the trigger on a big deal, even if it is out of your comfort zone. This is great words of wisdom from someone whose big risks have been greatly rewarded.

Report: Commercial.Property Sold for $25,000

In an email advertising .Pics domain names for $1.00, Uniregistry announced that sold for $25,000. Based on a historical Whois record from DomainTools, it looks like was previously registered to North Sound Names. The .Property domain extension is operated by Uniregistry. is now registered at GoDaddy, and the Whois record for this domain name has privacy protection. The landing page still shows a default Uniregistry “for sale” landing page, so it is unclear who bought the domain name. At the time of publication, the domain name is listed for sale at Sedo with a buy it now price of $59,999.

Screen Shot 2015-06-10 at 7.14.14 PM

This domain name had been on an

Opener App Using Opener.Link

I was reading an article on Medium this morning, when I came across a new app that is using a .Link domain name for its website. According to the article, Opener “takes in links from the web and opens them in apps on your phone instead.” If you prefer to directly navigate to Opener instead of visiting the app store, you can find it at Opener.Link.

I think it makes sense for Opener to use Opener.Link for its website.

For one thing, Opener is all about links. “Opener has an action extension that shows in the iOS share sheet and allows people to open links in apps. This means you can long press on links or tap the action button in other apps to access Opener,” the author wrote in the Medium article. At the present time, Opener supports opening links in about 50 apps. Once more people learn about it, I am sure this number will increase.

In addition to this, Opener is

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