What is a Domain Appraisal Scam?

I have received a number of emails from readers asking about offer emails they receive that seem fishy. Many times, these offers are domain name appraisal scams. These scams come in a variety of formats, but each has the same objective – getting the domain owner to pay for a domain appraisal when he thinks a potential buyer is interested in purchasing a domain name.

Typically the email offer will be for a domain name, and the scammer will suggest getting an appraisal for the domain name. Usually the scammer will tell the domain owner he is willing to pay either the amount of the appraisal or a percentage of the appraisal, depending on the email.

The email will list a few domain appraisal websites, one of which may be either owned by the scammer or a commission is earned for appraisals. The scammer generally has a 33% chance the domain owner will choose his appraisal service (probably much more considering the price comparison of the appraisals). After the domain owner pays for the appraisal, hoping to close a deal, the scammer is never heard from again.

While these scams probably aren’t illegal, I call them scams because the emailer probably didn’t intend to buy the domain name – just to get the domain owner to buy a domain appraisal.

More info with examples can be seen on these sites:



Domain Name Wire

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Hello,

    I often receive these emails and always answer back that “today is your lucky day…I save you money…the price is so low no need for appraisal…this deal is only good for 24 hours…I save you money…you save money NOW”….almost like a hawker or salesman.

    “You don’t need appraisal….only $25 for you…don’t tell anyone….I can get in trouble…this price is like stealing!”

    My own sense of amusement…NO NEED FOR APPRAISAL….LOW LOW PRICE!

    Have Fun,
    Paul Kapschock

  2. This is so simple. If a buyer mentions the word “appraisal” any time, then it’s a scam, 100% of the time.

    If a buyer asks about income or traffic, then it’s either a domainer wanting to pay domainer price, or end-user pretending to be a domainer hoping to pay domainer price.

  3. A guy named Richards is trying to get me to buy an appraisal before he will buy my domain name of: ” ” . His email is president@thedomaininvestors.com and it seems dang fishy to me. If someone can’t figure out for themselves if the cost is worth it, then they should not go into business. This isn’t rocket science.

  4. Kiosk..

    Funny.. I got the same type of email from them today.. regarding a domain name that I had listed on ebay over a month ago. Same thing, thedomaininvestors.com.
    Interestingly, I did a WHO IS on them and that website was created last week!

  5. Same here, friedman@thedomaininvestors.com emailed me wanting to buy domains. Even accepted $24,000 however need appraisal first. His emails all look template like and nothing personally written.

    Kept asking me to go to an article he found online, domainexplorer.org/Archive-09-2009/8137251.htm only to notice it was a thread he started…

    Posting this up here so it gets ranked good and high in the engines.


    A true buyer will know what its worth and would never need an appraisal.

  6. Yes, Attile, definetly right!
    A true buyer will know what its worth and would never need an appraisal.
    Check my reply here: (just playing with him to what will happen.)

    Dear Friedman,
    I am not going to do any valuation of your recommendations, domainexplorer.org/Archive-09-2009/8137251.htm is even not a real blog or forum. If I am wrong, please let me know where is the main page of this blog or forum? How to join them to discus ?

    Normally, domain transfers on the panel of Escrow or Sedo (where is my domain parking at.) is safe enough. And I know nothing about your pagelinks of these evaluation services in your mails. How can you ensure those are not automatic evaluation?

    I know you want to evaluate it as reducing your risk of investment, but risk is what is always with business. If you think this domain is worthwhile enough to invest, you should confirm this for yourself rather than I do.

    Best Regards!

  7. 5th.info you were much nicer than me… I just told friedman to go to hell…too bad I don’t think there is an actual person on the other end of that email.

  8. We just had an email this morning from samuelson@thedomaininvestors.com wanting to pay $50,000 for one of our domain names. It seemed odd to me that he was telling us how good our domain name was. Seems if you wanted to buy it, you would not want to show too much interest in the name, as this as it might push the price up.

  9. I recievd last week my first mail from samuelson@thedomaininvestors.com
    The same as the others told. I asked him to give me a price. His first bid started at 5.000 USD.
    So I asked for 10.000 USD. His reaction is the standard mail:

    “It’s a standard practice to show independent valuation to buyers/resellers.
    Nobody will do business without it. I’m a businessman and have no intention
    of changing rules which help both parties to avoid additional risks.

    Of course, investors never take into account auto-generated valuations. So
    manual valuation is a “must” too.

    I read the following information about appraisals at:

    Without the independent valuation from a trusted source we don’t spend a
    penny. This is our financial policy. So our offer is just a rought estimate.
    If the appraisal comes higher we are ready to offer a bit more. If it comes
    lower we will discuss the price with you again.

    Thank you for understanding. I’m looking forward to do business with you.”

  10. Here is the 2-emails I received today from the same url. Besides the poor spelling, inactive domain that he refers to, and just an overall moronic con-attempt, I’m sure it would have worked. I recommended he read ‘Flawless’ to understand how a true heist works.

    Email 1:
    Date: Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 4:27 AM


    We buy and sell domains and web pr®jects. What is your price for the domain?

    If you have other domains for sale feel free to send your list.

    Looking forward to do business with you.

    Robert Warner
    Warner Interenet Investment LLC

    Email 2:
    12-Hours Later:

    Can you accept 7,000 USD?

    Do you sell domain with a web site or just the name?

    Domain without content is ok with me. Web site is not necessary.

    Have you had your domain names evaluated in the past? I mean domain appraisals. Without valuation we cannot be sure in the sale price. It’s very important for me in terms of reselling too. But we must engage a valuation company with REAL manual service. So I will only accept valuations from independent sources I and my partners trust.

    To avoid mistakes I asked domain experts about reputable appraisal companies.

    Please check this blog with suggestions from other sellers and buyers:

    If, for example, the valuation comes higher you can adjust your asking price accordingly. It will be fair. I also hope you can give me 12% – 15% discount.

    After you send me the valuation via email (usually it takes 1-2 days to obtain it) we’ll continue our negotiations.

    What is your preferred payment method: Escrow.com, International wire transfer, PayPal.com or something else?

    Hope we can come to an agreement fast.

    Looking forward to your reply.
    – Show quoted text –

  11. Got similar emails from “Robert Warner – warner@thedomaininvestors.com. Anything from @thedomaininvestors.com looks like auto generated scam emails.

    Email 1:

    We buy and sell domains and web pr®jects. What is your price for the domain?

    If you have other domains for sale feel free to send your list.

    Looking forward to do business with you.


    Robert Warner


    Warner Internet Investment LLC


    NOTICE – This communication may contain confidential and privileged

    information that is for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any

    viewing, copying or distribution of, or reliance on this message by

    unintended recipients is strictly prohibited. If you have received this

    message in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message

    and deleting it from your computer.


    Email 2:
    Can you accept 5,000 USD?

    Do you sell domain with a web site or just the name?

    Domain without content is ok with me. Web site is not necessary.

    Have you had your domain names evaluated in the past? I mean domain appraisals. Without valuation we cannot be sure in the sale price. It’s very important for me in terms of reselling too. But we must engage a valuation company with REAL manual service. So I will only accept valuations from independent sources I and my partners trust.

    To avoid mistakes I asked domain experts about reputable appraisal companies.

    Please check this blog with suggestions from other sellers and buyers:

    If, for example, the valuation comes higher you can adjust your asking price accordingly. It will be fair. I also hope you can give me 12% – 15% discount.

    After you send me the valuation via email (usually it takes 1-2 days to obtain it) we’ll continue our negotiations.

    What is your preferred payment method: Escrow.com, International wire transfer, PayPal.com or something else?

    Hope we can come to an agreement fast.

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Email 3:
    It’s a standard practice to show independent valuation to buyers/resellers.
    Nobody will do business without it. I’m a businessman and have no intention
    of changing rules which help both parties to avoid additional risks.

    Of course, investors never take into account auto-generated valuations. So
    manual valuation is a “must” too.

    I read the following information about appraisals at:


    Without the independent valuation from a trusted source we don’t spend a
    penny. This is our financial policy. So our offer is just a rought estimate.
    If the appraisal comes higher we are ready to offer a bit more. If it comes
    lower we will discuss the price with you again.

    Thank you for understanding. I’m looking forward to do business with you.

  12. LOL – I got a bunch from these whackers today. Thanks for the posts. I realized they where insane so now I am having fun with them offering to sell them all my premium domains at 10% of appraisal.

    I will keep you guys posted.


  13. I got the same guy email to do an offer from my domain name.

    Third email:

    Re: m……biz (sent 02/28/10)Wednesday, March 3, 2010 6:47 AMFrom: “Warner” Add sender to ContactsTo: x@yahoo.com

    It’s a standard practice to show independent valuation to buyers/resellers.
    Nobody will do business without it. I’m a businessman and have no intention
    of changing rules which help both parties to avoid additional risks.

    Of course, investors never take into account auto-generated valuations. So
    manual valuation is a “must” too.

    I read the following information about appraisals at:

    Without the independent valuation from a trusted source we don’t spend a
    penny. This is our financial policy. So our offer is just a rought estimate.
    If the appraisal comes higher we are ready to offer a bit more. If it comes
    lower we will discuss the price with you again.

    Thank you for understanding. I’m looking forward to do business with you.

    Hope we can come to an agreement fast because I’ll be on vacation soon.

    Second email:

    From: “Warner”
    Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2010 22:07:08 +0300
    To: tt trt
    Subject: Re: m…..biz (sent 02/28/10)


    You are not late!

    Can you accept 5,000 USD?

    Do you sell domain with a web site or just the name?

    Domain without content is ok with me. Web site is not necessary.

    Have you had your domain names evaluated in the past? I mean domain appraisals. Without valuation we cannot be sure in the sale price. It’s very important for me in terms of reselling too. But we must engage a valuation company with REAL manual service. So I will only accept valuations from independent sources I and my partners trust.

    To avoid mistakes I asked domain experts about reputable appraisal companies.

    Please check this blog with suggestions from other sellers and buyers:

    If, for example, the valuation comes higher you can adjust your asking price accordingly. It will be fair. I also hope you can give me 12% – 15% discount.

    After you send me the valuation via email (usually it takes 1-2 days to obtain it) we’ll continue our negotiations.

    What is your preferred payment method: Escrow.com, International wire transfer, PayPal.com or something else?

    Hope we can come to an agreement fast.

    Looking forward to your reply.

    First email:

    From: warner@thedomaininvestors.com
    Subject: m…..biz (sent 02/28/10)
    To: x@yahoo.com
    Received: Saturday, February 27, 2010, 11:11 PM


    We buy and sell domains and web pr®jects. What is your price for the domain?

    If you have other domains for sale feel free to send your list.

    Looking forward to do business with you.


    Robert Warner


    Warner Internet Investment LLC


    NOTICE – This communication may contain confidential and privileged

    information that is for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any

    viewing, copying or distribution of, or reliance on this message by

    unintended recipients is strictly prohibited. If you have received this

    message in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message

    and deleting it from your computer.


  14. yeah, I tried fucking around with them too and got no where. I finally got the bright idea to keep asking for me order status from the company they’re pushing only to keep getting the same response “you have no order in the system, stop harassing us”

    Oh well,


  15. Looks to good to be true…. glad i found this webiste after searching his e-mail on google.


    Can you accept 25,000 USD for all these names (package deal)?

    Do you sell domain with a web site or just the name?

    Domain without content is ok with me. Web site is not necessary.

    Have you had your domain names evaluated in the past? I mean domain appraisals. Without valuation we cannot be sure in the sale price. It’s very important for me in terms of reselling too. But we must engage a valuation company with REAL manual service. So I will only accept valuations from independent sources I and my partners trust.

    To avoid mistakes I asked domain experts about reputable appraisal companies.

    Please check this blog with suggestions from other sellers and buyers:

    If, for example, the valuation comes higher you can adjust your asking price accordingly. It will be fair. I also hope you can give me 12% – 15% discount.

    After you send me the valuation via email (usually it takes 1-2 days to obtain it) we’ll continue our negotiations.

    What is your preferred payment method: Escrow.com, International wire transfer, PayPal.com or something else?

    Hope we can come to an agreement fast.

    Looking forward to your reply.

  16. I just replied with this, waiting to hear back…

    “Sure, $9000, firm price. I do have other bids, sale close this Friday 3/12/2010. Look forward to discussing the next steps with escrow.”

  17. Please be careful with this website and receiving the emails from this email warner@thedomaininvestors.com or name Robert, Warner Internet Investment LLC.
    This guy is Domain Name SCAMER.
    He will send you a numeric offers for your websites and then offer you to do appraisal from some referral website which is all located and register in UK some in US. To offer appraisals all from $60 to $200 per names. This is another Nigerian SCAM. PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!!! He try to rip me off but I am experience domain name seller for almost 10 years and I do check all who offers me such a services before I make any deals, so he is the one who got F…CKED!!!

  18. You always need to be suspicious when you receive such emails. Ask yourself first isn`t good to be true someone offering such a big $$$$ for your domain and ask you to do appraisal? From my past experience i sold many domains and believe me who needs it will pay you top dollar without any appraisals pure and simple. So do not waist your money for any referrals for appraisals or do any estimates for how much your website cost, you will just waist your money for nothing. It is not like you can visually get evaluation for your home or vehicle. It is all depends on each unique name and if someone like it, someone will buy it no matter what you asking for and it is always room for negotiations.

  19. Just blogged about this, with a transcript of email messages (so people on google can find it)


  20. I also got one of these emails. Mine came from Coddington but the wording is pretty much the same.
    I told them about 4 domain names totalling US$27,750 (yeah, right…) and they offered 28000 as a “paclage deal” o_O
    And of course talked about appraisal and their fake blog.

    The first paragraph of my reply:

    First of all, I would like to clarify that I WILL DEFINITELY NOT PAY FOR A DOMAIN APPRAISAL! especially after searching for “thedomaininvestors” on google and finding “What is a Domain Appraisal Scam?” as the first hit. Feel free to obtain appraisals for these domains on your own if you are really interested.

  21. I just received the same scam email from that domain. Mine came from seybold@thedomaininvestors.com. It sounded way too generic so I thought that it might be a part of the appraisal scam. Thank you all for proving I was right.

    Here’s a copy of the email:


    We buy and sell domains and web pr®jects. What is your price for the domain?

    If you have other domains for sale feel free to send your list.

    Looking forward to do business with you.


    Andrew Seybold


    Smart Cybersquatters LLC


    NOTICE – This communication may contain confidential and privileged

    information that is for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any

    viewing, copying or distribution of, or reliance on this message by

    unintended recipients is strictly prohibited. If you have received this

    message in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message

    and deleting it from your computer.


  22. My friend is just getting into domain investments himself. He got an email from these guys and was so damn excited. He was like “dude, I just bought a domain and someone is offering me like 20x I bought it for” – I was like congrats. Then he goes, the buyer wants to do an appraisal and once thats done, its smooth sailing.

    I was like, heh…linked him to this page and told him I am like the 7th post down.

    Minutes later he replies with “I hate and love you at the same time” or something along those lines :-p

  23. Thanks for this page. I also recieved a similar email showing interest in one of my domain names. It’s good to know that the next step will consist of trying to scam me, so I’m ahead of that now 🙂

  24. Here is another variety of the same:


    We buy and sell domains and web pr®jects. What is your price for the domain?

    If you have other domains for sale feel free to send your list.

    Looking forward to do business with you.


    Stephen Hopkins

    Vice President

    Intellectual Investment Strategies LLC

  25. i also receipt this email today…

    hopkins@thedomaininvestors.com to me
    show details 5:38 AM (7 hours ago)

    We buy and sell domains and web pr®jects. What is your price for the domain?

    If you have other domains for sale feel free to send your list.

    Looking forward to do business with you.


    Stephen Hopkins

    Vice President

    Intellectual Investment Strategies LLC

  26. Well, hold on to your seats guys. Google, get ready to crawl this.

    ceo@elitenethosting.com Domain Appraisal SCAM FRAUD

    Yep, these guys got a new domain and email.

    Goes by the name Jason Bergeron, CEO of Elite Hosting Solutions LLC.

    Lol, I think I preferred THE DOMAIN INVESTORS as anything with ELITE in it is usually not so elite.

  27. Thanks everyone on this site glad I found you.

    Same story, just received these sets of emails from Jason Bergeron, Ceo of Elite Hosting Soolutions.



    We buy/resell domains and developed sites. Now we consider your domain.
    What is your price?

    If you have other domains for sale feel free to send your list.

    Looking forward to do business with you.


    Jason Bergeron


    Elite Hosting Solutions LLC


    Can you accept 49,000 AUS?

    Do you sell domain with a web site or just the name?

    Domain without content is ok with me. Web site is not necessary.

    Have you had your domain names evaluated in the past? I mean domain appraisals. Without valuation we cannot be sure in the sale price. It’s very important for me in terms of reselling too. But we must engage a valuation company with REAL manual service. So I will only accept valuations from independent sources I and my partners trust.

    To avoid mistakes I asked domain experts about reputable appraisal companies.

    Please check this blog with suggestions from other sellers and buyers:

    If, for example, the valuation comes higher you can adjust your asking price accordingly. It will be fair. I also hope you can give me 12% – 15% discount.

    After you send me the valuation via email (usually it takes 1-2 days to obtain it) we’ll continue our negotiations.

    What is your preferred payment method: Escrow.com, International wire transfer, PayPal.com or something else?

    Hope we can come to an agreement fast.

    Looking forward to your reply.


    It’s a standard practice to show independent valuation to buyers/resellers.
    Nobody will do business without it. I’m a businessman and have no intention of changing rules which help both parties to avoid additional risks.

    Of course, investors never take into account auto-generated valuations. So manual valuation is a “must” too.

    I read the following information about appraisals at:

    Without the independent valuation from a trusted source we don’t spend a penny. This is our financial policy. So our offer is just a rought estimate.
    If the appraisal comes higher we are ready to offer a bit more. If it comes lower we will discuss the price with you again.

    Thank you for understanding. I’m looking forward to do business with you.


    After all this they’re only going to get smarter and more tricky, they might even switch up their auto responder msgs. So beware.

  28. Thanks for the posts! Looked fishy, is fishy!

    Can you accept 5,000 USD?

    Do you sell domain with a web site or just the name?

    Domain without content is ok with me. Web site is not necessary.

    Have you had your domain names evaluated in the past? I mean domain appraisals. Without valuation we cannot be sure in the sale price. It’s very important for me in terms of reselling too. But we must engage a valuation company with REAL manual service. So I will only accept valuations from independent sources I and my partners trust.

    To avoid mistakes I asked domain experts about reputable appraisal companies.

    Please check this blog with suggestions from other sellers and buyers:

    If, for example, the valuation comes higher you can adjust your asking price accordingly. It will be fair. I also hope you can give me 12% – 15% discount.

    After you send me the valuation via email (usually it takes 1-2 days to obtain it) we’ll continue our negotiations.

    What is your preferred payment method: Escrow.com, International wire transfer, PayPal.com or something else?

    Hope we can come to an agreement fast.

    Looking forward to your reply.

  29. I just got the same email yesterday.

    What any good idea to disclose them ?

    And how they find us ?

    I have one domain transfer transaction in escrow.com, just $1,000

    it is not big deal.

    But I am waiting for buyer’s transfer. Although 5 working days has expired.

    I guess that those guys get my information from this deal.

    Welcome for further communication via email : forrest.shi # gmail com


  30. I’ve got the same email from Ross Davis ( davis@elitenethosting ). They have a lot of name.
    And stupidly, I fall into their trap. Lost $77.All email from elinethosting is a SCAM. I complain and try get the refund of my money to them

  31. I just received my first email and was highly suspicious when I was asked if 99,000 dollars was ok rather than 100,00 for the purchase of my domain. I was ecstatic but you had a inclination that something was wrong. So I email the man and after a few emails he consistently kept referring to domain “vAluation” with is complete garbage. I threw a bluff card and told him that two others were looking at the website and he needed to negotiate immediately. NOPE! ” My attorney and tax accountants advised me I cannot do business with a certified domain valuation certificate,” the man says. After the 4th or so email from him, I for sure knew that it was a scam because he sent the exact same email word for word after I sent my response.

    The individuals name is _ Tim Swieckowski _
    e-mail is – swieckowski@name-business.com

    email me if you want all the emails to further solidify your guesses.


  32. I recently received a domain appraisal scam attempt from buy-domain-hosting.com, This contact started off with stating his name is Michael but, after doing a little bit of research I was able to uncover this company’s true meaning to scam domain owners into getting an appraisal but not continuing to make any legit offers for my domains.


  33. I’m mounting a counter attack against this scammer since its the second time he tried me. Seems like every time I update Sedo, he shows up. I have a way to fight him back but it’s not for everybody.

    I had a fight with Google over my adwords ads and was arguing with them for a few hours sending emails back and forth. Well the same day within hours they cancelled my adsense account for suspicious activity. Said I was sending invalid clicks. Strange that it happened the same time I was having a heated argument over running my ads in adwords and I never clicked one ad. Anyway to make a long story short I no longer have an Adsense account.

    What does it have to do with this scammer you ask?

    The page he sends you to is a fake static html forum page with authentic links to the real forum to make it look legit. Just that one page is fake with hyphenated urls instead of the real url. It’s running his Adsense ads on it.

    I just clicked his adsense ads about 200 times. If you have a suspended adsense account then you can do the same. They take that very seriously and will suspend his account too.

    I don’t suggest you do that if you have a good Adense account since they track IPs and may disable you too.

    But since I no longer have anything to worry about……
    I’m going back to click more. Don’t worry about running up his cash, google only counts a few clicks from an IP before they stop counting them as valid clicks. But they keep counting the invalid ones looking for frauduant activivity. I don’t know how many sites he has but I think hurting his adsense account will hurt his pockets a lot.

    Just a suggestion.

  34. I just fell for this too….appears the mirror site is also http://www.trademark-valuation-agency.com/appraisal.htm

    Email came from:
    business@cheap-web-hosting-search.com (obviously spoofed)

    I have notified godaddy – domain-cost.com is hosted there. Why is this site still up?

    Wish I would have done my reserach first.

    The ridiculous thing is… I work for a web hosting company and I should have absolutely caught onto this. However what got me was the fact that I had just uploaded a bunch of domains into Sedo…so the timing seemed right for interest. Well at the very least I can warn my entire customer base……:(

  35. A “David Gillerman” has emailed me a few times, offering crazy amounts of money for totally random domain names. This is obviously a scam… As soon as I mention the “scam” word the emails stopped (the first series of emails were fun for me as I kept winding him up and he got a bit upset!) But, other than that these emails now go into the junk folder.

  36. I got cheated by Aaron Shapiro using the same trick for my two domains unafraid.me and Pious.me

    As it was first time , I got cheated and a lesson learnt 🙁

  37. I must confess that I have fallen in the trap of these scammers. I was new to the domain selling business, and have some juicy ones, so I cheked very few online. My fault.
    Micheal Schwartzman from these bogus Switzerland, Basel, am krayenrain 5, Phone: 0041763987739 http://www.asp-web-hosting.biz
    He very professionally and politely described to me how to make these appraisals in order to buy my domains.
    Good news, and I hope this can help any one that falls in the same trap, is that I opened disputes for the Paypal payments I made to http://certifiedappraisal.net, and the seller quickly returned the full amount I paid.
    I have learnt some time ago that paying thru Paypal instead of directly using a credit card is much better (from the buyer point of view) because of the drastic measures Paypal takes against a seller that is blamed for not honoring the business. I’ve been accidentally one time in the other side (as paypal seller, long story), and for a single complain they shut my account for weeks.
    I am programming computers since 1982, so I am very ashamed of being caught this time. Anyone can fall. Don’t trust anyone and Google it as much as you can.

    From my side, I will try to stop their business. So BEWARE of the following sites and persons. They probably are the same person, or the same team.
    – Micheal Schwartzman, from Switzerland, website http://www.asp-web-hosting.biz, wich redirect to http://www.vpspace.com/
    – Shareit.com, who accepts payments and process their scams
    http://certifiedappraisal.net, who is the core of the scam. This is a totally bogus company. A Sandra Miller always takes care of the email replies.
    – digitalRiver is another company probably part of the scamming team (or allowing the scam team to act)
    http://market.icaan.info/sell.htm the website that makes fake appraisals

    • Hi!

      I got in the trap and already paid 147euro!!!

      But the thing is, the scammer is still there!!! He did not disappear and still wanna “close” the deal, for a 60.000$ domain name I just bought 20 days ago at 10$!!!

      When I discovered the scam on many sites, I asked for a refund from the swreg.org that handled the payment (I regret not using paypal), but they transfered me to Sandra miller, who emailed the scammer for not honoring the business with me, who said to her that it is not true…(I felt like they’re playing a piece of theatre on me)!!!

      He said that he is a broker and his client (buyer) is out of office till thursday, and he will use escrow.com!!!

      what do you think guys??

      Is there anybody who already lost the money like me to tell me what happened next??

      I suggest to make a move around the net and gather as many victims as we can and make a mass report to the FBI to shut this certifiedappraisal.net down!! I have their bank account number in Malta too (how in the world a decent so claimed american company, could have her bank account in a tax heaven like Malta????


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The Gong Show was a television talent show on ABC in the late 1970s. Contestants would perform a variety of acts while being judged...

Top 5 Domain Names in 2025 Super Bowl Commercials

The Super Bowl was played last night, and a great deal of attention was on the Super Bowl commercials. In the recent past, domain...