One of my favorite artists is Yvonne Canu, a French painter who lived from 1921-2008. Canu is known primarily for her pointillist oil paintings. I am looking to privately purchase an Yvonne Canu painting, and if you own one and wish to sell it, please contact me.
Although I am not opposed to buying an oil painting in an art auction, I would prefer to purchase the piece of art in private and avoid paying additional buyer or auction fees. I would also like to buy it from someone who has owned it and appreciated it for a while. I can assure you that it will be appreciated by my family and displayed in a prominent location.
I will leave my price unstated, as it really depends on the work of art and the painting’s condition. I am familiar with the value of a Yvonne Canu painting, and I have seen various auction results from Christie’s, Sotheby’s, and other auction houses that have sold Canu paintings.
If you own and would like to sell a Yvonne Canu oil painting, please contact me here and put “Yvonne Canu” in the subject line. I’ll want to see some photos of the painting and will also want to know its provenance.
Looking forward to seeing if there are any great oil paintings for sale!
I just read this post.
My name is Francesca and I work for ArtrustSA, an art company based in Switzerland.
Please visit our website to look at our Canu works, maybe you can find your favourite one.
Here the direct link
I remain at your disposal for any kind of information.
Thanks and regards,
Hi, Just found your site for Yvonne Canu, Shame but have just put one to auction, not one she would normally paint, but on reveres of canvas there are sketches of her normal paintings, the painting will be auctioned on June the fourth at, they have photos of painting front view, but not of rear, lot number 559, the painting was my parents, now deceased, and has been with me for at least twenty years and I think it is first time on market, lets hope it is the one you are looking for and can cherish as I have all these years. RSVP. Mike.