Vote: Two Domain Name Polls

Happy new year! 2017 promises to be an interesting year in the domain name business.

I am going to start the new year with two polls. The first deals with the new gTLD domain name extensions and the second deals with .com domain names.

Poll one: By January 1, 2018, will there be more or less registered new gTLD domain names? According to, there are slightly more than 27.5 million registered new gTLD domain names.

Poll two: By January 1, 2018, will there be more or less registered .com  domain names? According to, there are just under 126.2 million registered .com domain names.

You are welcome to discuss in the comment section about why you think there will be more or less registered domain names.



Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. I voted more for both. I predict by the end of 2017 we will see larger increases in new ngtld and .com registrations, and higher resale prices on .com domains.

    I also predict that .net will resurge somewhat in 2017.

  2. Those new to the industry can start investing in domains names with savings or discretionary income from their work. At some point however domain acquisitions and renewals must be paid from domain sales. There is only so much speculative money available. We can throw around a 1% industry sales turn as an average but it is pretty clear new TLD portfolios are not turning at that rate. A large portion of reported new TLD sales are merely registry sales. While the hundreds of millions of dollars that domainers are spending on new TLDs must have some impact on lower-quality .COM renewal rates, it is inevitable that the only way for new TLD registrations to continue their current pace is for end users to start buying premium and aftermarket nTLDs. If that does not happen soon and I suspect it will not, nTLD registrations will reverse sharply.

  3. There will be less registrations in both dot com and new gtlds as domain investors drop domains and let them expire. There are too many worthless domains registered; therefore you will see more domains expiring than being registered.

    • Many of the dot pigeon shit domains will fold in 2017 as well. The new gTLD over supply, without maching demand will be corrected by the market place, but its not going to be pretty…stay tuned.

    • Agreed JR! The .craps will all die to be survived only by .com, .org and .net. Shouldn’t come as a surprise, though, since they were never needed or wanted.

  4. I voted for less in the first one and more for the second one. I don’t like the new gTLD’s anymore. I’m letting go all the ones that I have for .com .net going back to the old days.

  5. I voted “more” in both polls. .com’s growth is somehow logical and expected. Not a big fan of gTLD’s but you know … plenty of fish in the sea, plenty of newbies to get newbiered 🙂

  6. Unfortunately more nTLDs or new gTLDs, because they will keep getting shoved down our throats and sold for cents instead of dollars.
    .Club is the only current new gTLD that I would even consider buying.
    There are better ccTLDs out there than most nTLDs.IMO

    .Web will be the only solid new gTLD whenever it comes out. It will be very similar to .Net, but with a more modern look and feel than .Net.
    .Web will be more popular than .Net as well, but not as polular as.Com. Not in the near future anyway. Long-term, maybe. Again, IMO.

    There will probably be Less .Coms because off all the China Chip craze domains will be dropped.
    Some weird brandable .Coms that make no sense will be dropped as well.
    Some domainers have already started dumping .Com chip and brandable domains. Some of those same domainers that were promoting them not too long ago.
    Funny how that works. Pump and dump. Make money off of the small guy and then spend their hard earned money on trips, cars etc.

    Sounds and looks like Wall Street.
    Welcome to Domain Street.


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