There aren’t many UDRP proceedings involving numeric domain names. I don’t know of an easy way to search for numeric domain UDRPs, so I can’t say how many have been filed, but I don’t really know of many off the top of my head.
This afternoon, I noticed a company called “Cube Limited” filed a UDRP at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) against 8 numeric domain names. The UDRP case is WIPO Case D2015-2206.
The domain names are all domains, and include the following:
I did Whois searches on some of these domain names, and they all appear to have been registered in 2014. It looks like they are registered at Dynadot.
Numeric domain names like these, especially with “88” in them, have been selling regularly at increasing prices during the last several months. I wouldn’t venture a guess about what these domain names are worth though.
I am not exactly sure what is going on here or how the complainant will be able to prove the 3 elements of the UDRP, but it will be interesting to see how this UDRP turns out.
The only thing i see is 188bet is owned by cube limited.
But no trade marks on any of these’s.
One common link on every domain above is 1882. I am assuming this dispute has something to do with that number, probably being used as a brand.
Hilarious. Keep us updated. Udrp on numerics seems like a loooooong shot.
I can’t see how they stand any chance. It will be interesting to read the complainant argument.
Oh no all domains with the number 10 are in danger after the launch of Windows 10! Numbers can be trademarked! Yeah right!
Who on Earth has advised these guys to file this UDRP? Someone is milking the guys and creating bad PR for them.
Don’t be surprised if the complainant under this UDRP wins and gets the domain names.
Don’t be surprised if the complainant under this UDRP wins. It will be interesting to know the outcome, but the complainant has picked soft targets. The eight domain names are probably worth no more than $250 per domain, and $2,000 collectively. It would cost the respondent much more to hire a prestigious intellectual property lawyer like John Berryhill, and in most cases, the person who owns the domain name cannot and will not be able to defend the UDRP on his own. UDRP is very complicated to respond to if you are not a computer savvy and also knowledgeable about ICANN procedures.
Unless ICANN changes the rules and gets the complainant to pay for the legal fees for the respondent if he wins the UDRP, the UDRP is not fair to the respondent, considering the fact that the majority of respondents will not defend themselves due to the cost involved, and/or their computer sophistication. Also put in mind that once a domain goes to UDRP, its market value drops tremendously if the owner decides to put it for sale at a future time if he wins the UDRP.
you don’t need a lawyer to defend against udrp. it helps for sure but if you read the basics you can write up something easily enough that it it makes sense should be a good enough defense. of course i wouldn’t suggest doing this with highly valuable names but ones like this, sure.
Did you ever defended yourself against UDRP? what was the domain? did you win? I know it is easy for you to say! what if the domain worth big money would you risk it?
This looks legitimate; the owners/sites being sued are trying to earn money from Take a look: redirects to