You’ve probably heard the news that Facebook has been down for most of the day. Instagram, too. For those people who operate businesses exclusively on those social media websites, today was a very bad day. While Facebook appears to be slowly returning online, one LinkedIn post caught my eye.
I think Avishai Abrahami, CEO & Co-Founder at, said it best – “Today is a good day to have a website.”
Relying on another company’s platform to operate a business is risky. On a rare occasion when the website is inaccessible, the business doesn’t make money. If someone reports the business and it gets suspended, the business doesn’t make money.
It seems like Facebook and Instagram will be back online soon, but I can’t imagine how much business was lost. People who run their entire business on a third party platform are in big trouble if that platform has issues.
Operating an independent website on a self-controlled domain name is wise. Today was definitely a good day to have a website.
“Today is a good day to have a website.”
It’s what Rich Schwartz said about couple years ago… that businesses should not depend on social media’s platforms.
people who depends on facebook got Suckerberg…..he he
I agree with the sentiment of what he tweeted, but it’s worth pointing out that Facebook has much better uptime than most hosting platforms. The real reason to have a website and not depend just on social media is that the social media platforms act as gatekeepers between your content and your customers.
your website is your castle.