Several people have asked me if I am going to be in Las Vegas for TRAFFIC this week. Unfortunately, I can’t make this show as I will be in Lowell for a couple of days. The website is nearing completion, and I need to take some photos prior to the launch.
The site is coming along quite well, and the design/layout is nearly finalized. Likewise, the directory is almost completely built. Most of the difficult part has been finished, and we just need to work on the actual presentation of the data. I will write a more comprehensive post about building the database, but the upshot is that it was a pain in the neck to coordinate the data with the phpMyDirectory application. I guess it was more of a time consuming project than anything else, but I will cover that in a subsequent post.
I don’t believe I will be bidding at the TRAFFIC auction, but there are a couple of names I really like, so we shall see. Safe travels to those of you who are on your way to Vegas. Remember – the better gamble is on a good domain name than on a blackjack table (although I love blackjack!)