As I was skiing at Stowe last weekend, I was thinking about how cool it will be for domain investors who attend the Rocky Mountain Domain Conference in less than two weeks. Unfortunately, my ski trip out west is not taking place until after the conference, otherwise I would probably drop by to say hello.
The agenda looks like it’s going to be full of interesting speakers, and I think it’s going to be a small enough conference that you can do some very good networking. Bill Mushkin from, Jason Boshoff of Domain Holdings, and Braden Pollock are all scheduled to speak. I don’t believe I’ve heard any of them speak publicly before.
The conference will be held in downtown Denver, Colorado on February 26, 2011 from 10:30am to 6:30pm, and I would bet that there will be networking later than that. The following day, there will be a skiing and snowboarding trip at Copper Mountain Resort in Summit County, Colorado. Conference organizers have worked out a special discounted rate for that, and they’ve also worked out a special rental deal if you don’t want to bring your ski equipment.
I wish I was going to be able to make it to the RMDC. Hopefully this will be the first of more to come.
I’m going to Colorado next week, and half fancy attending. I have heard Jason speak before and he’s very good, and i’m sure the same is true of the others.
So, maybe the conference is worth a spin.. if it’s free to get in that is, HAHa 🙂
Richard Currently!
Having never been to a conference, I have to ask…is there enough of a market to warrant what seems to be monthly events?
What difference is there between one conference and another?
@ AB
I don’t think there are as many this year.
I have gained quite a bit from going to conferences. Met many new clients and had the chance to see longtime clients and friends. If you start making a good amount of money (whatever “good” is for you) and you can afford to go, I would urge it.
Thanks so much for writing about our event Elliot! If anyone has a question, feel free to email me (mike at Registration is closing on Thursday, February 24th and can only be completed online. We’re very excited to host the first domain conference in Denver!