RIP, John Yeomans

Kevin McKim shared the sad news that domain investor John Yeomans reportedly passed away:

According to an obituary posted on the Dignity Memorial website, John passed away earlier this week “after battling a chronic illness for many years.”

I did not know John all that well, but we had several conversations at conferences and via email over the years and did at least one deal I can recall about ten years ago. As Kevin mentioned, John seemed to have disappeared from the domain investment space several years ago, and I always wondered where he went and why.

I have fond memories of John, and I am sure he will be missed.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. General Question:
    when a “domainer” died, will she/he be remembered for the domains they own or their legacy?

    Conversation—oh I don’t remember him/her but wait…is he/she the one that owns these blah blah domains? oh yea yea yea…now I remember him/her

    Will people know about the domains you own than your real name?

  2. I believe I too had several exchanges with him on a particular forum may years ago and recall a trade or two, acronyms I believe (.net of course).

    Sorry to hear of his passing, condolences.

  3. RIP John. In my experience, always friendly and up for a chat at conferences gone by. What a shame for the community to lose him.


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