Rick Schwartz Chooses Rick.TV

A couple of weeks ago, Rick “Domain King” Schwartz posted a poll on Twitter asking people to help him select a domain name to post the video content he has been sharing on Twitter. My opinion was that Rick should continue to use the RicksBlog.com domain name he has been using for years, and the people who voted gave this name a slight edge over the alternative, Rick.TV domain name.

Over the weekend, Rick announced that he made a decision and will be using the .TV ccTLD domain name which is commonly used for television and video programming:

Although I think it would have been a better choice to continue using the domain name Rick has branded for many years, I don’t think he is making a bad decision by choosing Rick.tv. Domain investors and people who are the target audience for his video programming are likely much more aware of the domain name extension than the general public. The only downside I see is that people who end up reading an article RicksBlog.com won’t necessarily know there is more regularly updated video content on Rick.tv unless Rick promotes it within his blog website.

Rick.TV is a nice brand name for Rick Schwartz’ video content, and it will be interesting to see how Google treats it compared to RicksBlog.com for “Rick Schwartz” searches. Rick.TV will likely have the newer content vs. the legacy content on RicksBlog.com. That will be something to observe.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. HeHe… So much for his .com and only .com speeches.

    That said, he is right about his rant with twitter where he said everyone must have a domain. I am now in full agreement with him realizing that social media, forums and similar platforms can never be a substitute to owning your own content.

    Rick is one of the few people I follow and I respect him more than some of the other big shooters.
    I’m glad he is back giving us his insights.

  2. In your original post about this, I was kind enough to point out that I won because the .tv was my pick if he didn’t go with RicksRoundtable.com. 😀

    As I also pointed out there, this one is pretty “badass” and useful for something:



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