I believe that Domain Incite was the first domain name industry website to break the news that Amazon will almost certainly be getting the rights to operate the .Amazon domain name extension. Domain Name Wire and OnlineDomain.com also wrote articles about the .Amazon extension and what it might mean for Amazon and the new domain name extensions as a whole.
I am curious if readers think Amazon operating .Amazon will be a gamechanger for the new gTLD domain name extensions. To me, a gamechanging moment would be for Amazon to use .Amazon domain names in such a way that it would be impossible for people to not notice the extension – or for people to see something like Shop.Amazon and immediately know that is a url.
If .Amazon is a gamechanger, the awareness of the new domain name extensions would increase dramatically, and we would see some sort of shift in the usage and adoption of the new extensions.
Do you think Amazon will turn .Amazon into something that becomes a gamechanger for the new extensions?
Absolutely not
At this stage #newGTLDs are akin to a fart in a lift – everyone in the space knows its there, no one really likes it, we’re all hoping it just goes away quickly !
As a domainer who also invests in new gTLDs, I think .amazon will further increase people’s awareness of new gTLDs and educate people that new gTLDs can be trustworthy, too. But at the moment, I can not conclude whether .amazon alone will be a gamechanger.