Original Domain Investor is “‘psychedelic concierge’ to the stars”

I was reading the New York Post this afternoon, when I came across a photo of a person I recognize, Mike Zapolin, known to most as “Zappy.” The article briefly mentions his domain name investment past, but the focus of the Page Six article is his current status as “‘psychedelic concierge’ to the stars.

From the article:

“Mike “Zappy” Zapolin is one of the burgeoning crowd of “thought leaders” pushing for the therapeutic use of psychedelic compounds like LSD, psilocybin, ketamine and DMT, which are currently illegal in the US.

After working on Wall Street and infomercials right out of college, Zapolin, 53, made a killing as a domain-name magnate by registering web addresses such as Beer.com and Music.com in the early days of the internet.

He now spends his days taking clients, high-profile and otherwise, deep into their minds and spirits.”

Zappy, Andrew Miller, and Peter Hubshman were partners in Internet Real Estate Group, one of the first well-known domain name investment firms. Ron Jackson profiled the former business and its owners in DNJournal back in 2005. From what I can see and recall, the company owned domain names like Beer.com, CreditCards.com, Chocolate.com, Shop.com, Diamond.com, and many others. Andrew is still active in the domain investment space, but I believe Zappy has moved on from domain names. I do not know Peter.

While in the domain investment business, Zappy may be most widely known for his appearance in a Super Bowl commercial for Computer.com:

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Nice post, thanks. I’m sorry to hear he has moved on from domain names, I was actually about to write him with regard to some of our psychedelics-related domains.

    I’m not sure the petition is a good idea. While I think the possession for personal use of all drugs should be decriminalized, legalizing the sale and transfer of drugs is a delicate matter. Timothy Leary, in the 60s, said something like, “Getting a license to use marijuana should be about as difficult as getting a driver’s license. Getting a license to use LSD should be about as difficult as getting a pilot’s license.” Psychedelics may have great potential for many people, but I know from personal experience that they are also dangerous.

    I personally find the recordings and writings of Alan Watts (who wrote and spoke about psychedelics, in addition to more general matters) to be more valuable to me, at this time, than psychedelics, which I have access to but am wary of experimenting with.


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