One ccTLD Lesson I’ve Learned

I’ve been learning quite a bit about ccTLD domain names (before and during the TRAFFIC conference), and I wanted to share one quick lesson. Registrants for each country’s ccTLDs have their own unique registration quirks. This makes it quite important to do research about the country and the registration habits if investment is the primary goal (as opposed to development).

Some examples:

  • Hyphens may be very popular
  • English may be preferred over the native language
  • Abbreviated words may be common
  • Call to action domain names are popular

It’s important to learn about the ccTLD and the country before you make an investment. You don’t necessarily need to spend time in the country, but it certainly would help to see how the businesses are using domain names to enhance their brands. After all, most of the bigger ccTLD sales are to end users, and if you are investing, you should research what will be most valuable to your potential buyers.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. cctlds are great i think 50% of my portfolio is cctlds and growing fast research into the language is key before you register or buy anything , but i think that is true with any aspect of domaining .

  2. Pleased to see HYPHENS are popular SOMEWHERE…

    Elliot – do you know why GD is no longer

    allowing registrations on .us and .tv ??

    Where does one go for those registrations ??

    Moniker ??

    ~Patricia K.

  3. > Pleased to see HYPHENS are popular SOMEWHERE…

    Very much so in places like Japan.

    The prefix J- is HUGE (J-Phone, J-League, J-Rail etc. etc.
    They may use English in peculiar ways, but the hyphen is preferred.

  4. Where could we find a list of ONLY hyphen DROPS and New Registers…

    A list of the most recent 10 days worth or so…

    Anyone know… ??

    Thanks in advance…

    ~Patricia K. — DomainBELL



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