Occupy Protests Moving Smartly Online

Although the “Occupy Wall St.” protestors’ messages may not be cohesive, their domain name strategy seems to be.

I was curious to see if those in the “Occupy” city protests have been buying related domain names, and it appears that many are. Domain names like OccupyWallStreet.com and similar names are registered by the Occupy Wall Street group, and they forward to the primary OccupyWallSt.org website. Other geodomain names have been registered as well.

In addition to dozens of others not listed, the following “Occupy” city domain names have been registered, as the protests continue to spread across cities throughout the United States:

  • OccupyNewYork.com
  • OccupyBoston.com
  • OccupySeattle.com
  • OccupySanFrancisco.com
  • OccupyPhiladelphia.com
  • OccupyMiami.com
  • OccupyChicago.com
  • OccupySanDiego.com
  • OccupyPortland.com

Smartly, many of these domain names have been registered simply to forward to each local movements’ website. For instance, OccupyPortland.com forwards to the website at OccupyPortland.org, and OccupySanDiego.com forwards to OccupySD.org.

One thing I also find interesting is that many of the websites are different from each other, but they have similar themes. In addition, it appears that many of the domain names are registered to different registrants.

From an observer’s perspective, it’s interesting to watch how these protests have been spreading. I won’t opine on the actual protests because it’s not related to the topic of my blog, but from a domain name and branding perspective, the group seems cohesive.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. I noticed during the course of checking related names in the past week that although some have fallen into the ‘right’ hands, it seems the majority of significantly populated occupy*geo.com in USA are for sale at sedo. Several large non-USA cities are registered in the same format.
    Quite a roll of the dice there for someone, maybe it will pay off.
    I see also occupy.ca for a steal at $250 and for those champagne socialists with a little more lucre – occupy.biz at a mere $10k.
    Another observation I made was that there are zero offers for any of these names 🙂

  2. Dan rather made this point on tv this morning
    “The real moving force behind this, what’s happening in the Wall Street protesters and the efforts to spread it around the country, is a woman operating out of her apartment in New York. She’s brilliant with the internet. She goes under the nom de plume of Grim. And Grim is the real leader of this movement operating out of her apartment. She is internet savvy and whether it succeeds or fails she’s the key.”

    Perhaps she’s the buyer?

  3. *

    Most major movements begin with (1) young people and (2) as a loose band of malcontents who aren’t really focused.

    This is an important movement to watch because it seems that the middle class is jumping on the band wagon, and when the middle class is suffering, that could spell trouble for politicians, all the way to the White House.

    The rich don’t seem to “get” why the middle class is so unhappy, for they seem to live in a rarified world of fancy jets, designer clothes, high-end restaurants, and expensive jewels.

    In good times, the middle class doesn’t begrudge the rich their baubles, but when unemployment is 10% (and rising), 401K’s are taking a dump, and jobs are being outsourced, the middle class tends to exhibit their anger issues and not in a non-violent manner .

    This movement could very well top the anti-war movement of the 1960’s and could very well be dangerous to cities, no matter what size.

    Having lived through a 1969 race riot in a mid-sized city, I know first hand what a riot looks like, and it isn’t pretty.


  4. A society which is efficient for a few but grossly inequitable for many is not sustainable. It is not anti-business or Un-American to be humanist. A fair society is one which does not penalize success but it is also one that does not impede the progress of a majority of its citizens to fortify the extreme gluttony of a few. Civility, equity and compassion for your fellow citizen are not Un-American ideals

    Montgomery triangle is awesome!

  5. Hopefully they all remain peaceful

    What is the Montgomery triangle? And is the Montgomery triangle truly awesome?

    Did anyone occupy the Montgomery triangle?

  6. Montgomery triangle is awesome! It is the triangle of about 45 homes right next to the Shouldice athletic park in Calgary. The home are 1950’s bungalows with large R2 lots. About half have been knocked down and people have built new infills and duplexes on these large lots. It will go up in value just like the GOlden triangle in Parkdale.

    Montgomery triangle is awesome and Montgomery is Epic!


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